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它们分袂是什么意思?What do they mean respectively?

胸骨、肋骨亦分别切开。Breastbone and ribs were cut respectively.

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这两个类别的平均得分分别为215和173。The sectors averaged 215 and 173 respectively.

帕克和邓肯分别拿下23分和19分。Parker and Duncan scored 23 and 19 respectively.

两个可疑的方面永别遭到疑忌。Two suspicious items are suspected respectively.

杯子和茶碟分别售价5英镑和3英镑。The cups and saucers cost ?5 and ?3 respectively.

他们有资格第六和第八,分别。They had qualified sixth and eighth respectively.

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接脚分别焊接至线路板。Pins are respectively welded on the circuit board.

“飞”和“舞”是“飞起来”和“舞动”的意思。"Fei" and "Wu" mean flying and dancing respectively.

其他两种保险分别要价297和495元人民币。The other options cost 297 and 495 yuan respectively.

这些值分别表示住宅和单位地址。These indicate home and work addresses, respectively.

印度和泰国分别排在第二和第三。India and Thailand are second and third, respectively.

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2004年和2009年两次通过国家药监局的GMP认证。And it was GMP certified in 2004 and 2009 respectively.

上天有时令,四序平分别。God sometimes makes four sequence levels, respectively.

这两种衣服,重量分别为48克和49克。The two parts weigh respectively 48 grams and 49 grams.

它分别扮演氧化剂和反应底物的角色。It plays the role as oxidant and substrate respectively.

我们互不相欠,各奔幸福!We Mutually does not owe, respectively rushes happiness!

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日本与韩国的排名分别为第15及第19。Japan and South Korea ranked No. 15 and 19, respectively.

约翰和苏西当时分别是42岁和34岁。John and Susie were at that point 42 and 34 respectively.

分别对圆形线圈和八字线圈进行了测试。The round coil and splayed coil were tested respectively.