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我必须要住院吗?Should I be hospitalize?

史密斯夫人病重已住院。Mrs Smith seriously ill already hospitalize.

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泵发生故障时立即住院之嫌。Hospitalize immediately if pump malfunction suspected.

这是他生命中的第一次住院。This is the first time to hospitalize in his remaining years.

一次在外地出差,因小事故而住进医院。Out of town on business, I was hospitalize after a minor accident.

运用就医风险临界线的方法对大病进行初步界定。With the method about hospitalize risk critical limit bound "high expense disease".

在您诊治的患者中,接受非住院治疗和住院治疗的比例大概是多少?What percentage of the patients you treat do you treat outside of a hospital and what percentage do you hospitalize ?

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目前,你必须住院接受治疗,并进行胃镜检查。Presently you must hospitalize where the doctor can therapy you, for example, they wil take you endoscopy examination.

正在研究计划,将最重的病例收住入院,但在此后,这些病例需要能够回到无铅的环境中。Plans are in hand to hospitalize the worst-affected cases, but they will then need to be able to return to a lead-free environment.

其主要就诊原因为注重医疗机构技术和服务态度的好坏及是否有信赖的医生。The hospitalize reason for patients is whether medical technology is good, service is kindhearted and whether there is a doctor who you trust.

目的了解抑郁症患者及其家属的生活质量,探索影响抑郁症患者及其家属生活质量的主要因素。ABSTRACT Objective To discuss the main factors affecting the living quality of the hospitalize patients with depression and of their family members.

令人担忧的研究显示,由“危险”食物带来的肠胃感染,可能给一个健康人带来的仅仅是腹部疼痛,而却有可能引发那些免疫功能较弱群体的住院治疗或者危及生命。The finding is worrying because an infection that could cause just a stomachache in a healthy person could hospitalize or even kill those with weakened immune systems.

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这是所有一百张病床的医院,带两个手术室,几十个监护区,和一个急诊室,到时候我们就能为接受手术的病人提供医疗救治。It's a hundred-bed hospital with two operating theaters and tens of care wards and an emergency room and we'll be able to hospitalize patients following the surgical interventions.

自打他们一年前搬进拖车里住,小史密斯就有四因为患有支气管炎被送进医院,史密斯夫妇称,他们的居住环境是孩子发病的主要原因。Smith's parents have had to hospitalize her four times with bronchitis since they moved into the trailer a year ago and they say they are sure the trailer is to blame for her illnesses.