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乍听下很有道理。Fair enough.

“充分”地大声疾呼。To cry "enough".

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今天就练到这里吧!Enough for today?

我很饱了。I am quite enough.

能量不足!Not enough energy.

一便士的就蛮够啦。Penny quite enough.

但那还远远不够。That is not enough.

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这些高等学府对此做得足够多吗?Are we doing enough?

不过还不够。But it's not enough.

一次就够了吗?Will once be enough?

有足够的时间吗?Is there enough time?

长到可以编织。Long enough to braid.

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那对我已足够了。That`s enough for me.

每一天都不够…Everday is not enough.

我也永远也说不完,说不够。I'll never say enough.

这样做够不够呢?Is that really enough?

还不够完美。Not quite good enough.

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还是我说的够多了?Or have I said enough?

她已经够受的了。She's suffered enough.

拥有学位证书还不够。A degree is not enough.