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这个需要解压缩才可以看到。The need to decompress before we can see.

为了消除紧张的情绪,我去夏威夷玩了一星期。I went to Hawaii for a week to decompress.

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如果没办法要求更多,你是否需要至少一周的时间来减压?Do you need at least a week, if not more, to decompress?

只要把档案解压到所选择的文件夹中即可。Just decompress the archive into the folder of your choice.

记住如何解压缩和扩展每种包格式将会使人精疲力尽。Remembering how to decompress and expand each package format can be taxing.

尝试通过调用解压密码的猜解压缩第一个文件。Try to decompress the first file by calling unzip with the guessed password.

禅那网除外,当你减压时只允许读这个博客。Except for Zen Habits. That’s the only blog you’re allowed to read when you decompress.

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男人需要自己的空间——这可以指一间房间,也可以指可以用来精神上放松减压的时间。Men need a man cave----whether it's an actual room or just time to decompress mentally.

如果你能让跑鞋在试用期间,变松和变干,跑鞋能用更长的时间。Your shoes will last longer when you allow them to decompress and dry out between workouts.

这让浏览器能够接收和解压缩使用公共算法压缩后的文件。This allows browsers to receive and decompress files compressed using the public algorithms.

同样让你们都消消气,这样就能更平和,更理智地表达观点。It also lets you decompress so that you'll be calmer and more rational when you make your case.

下一步是在安装子目录中打开一个文件夹,以便对根文件系统进行解压。The next step is to open a folder to the install subdirectory to decompress the root file system.

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据我所知,高尔夫是JB发泄压力的方式,而他需要减压。I know that among other things, golf is an outlet for stress for JB and he needs it to decompress.

用户可以根据自己的需求,使用此程序方便地对文件进行压缩或者解压缩操作。Users could use this procedure compress or decompress files expediently according to their demand.

股价仍会继续上涨,但是,要想倍数不再缩小,那就有得等了。The stock can still go up, but waiting for a multiple to decompress is like waiting for grass to grow.

一些程序可以把文件直接从归档中读出,但是这些程序必须先把文件解压缩。Some programs can read files directly out of archives, but these programs must decompress the files first.

缎带不仅能让人优雅的在半空飞行,同时还是我们在长途飞行之后接触疲惫的绝好方法。It was not only a beautiful apparatus for flying, but a great way to decompress our spine after long flights.

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在目录里解压缩文件,注意有四个文件是你必须的。Decompress the archive in a directory. Be careful, four files will appear, and each of them is necessary for you !

详细介绍了通风、熏蒸、多功能减压管的出入粮工艺及使用中的优点。The technique and advantages of the decompress duct with polyfunction of ventilation and fumigation were introduced.

这是根据程序打包压缩文件的实际能力和提取速度决定的。This is determined in the apps ability to compress or decompress files with substantial power and extraction speeds.