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你是坐火车还是坐飞机去北京?Are you leavening for Beijing by train or by plane?

烟叶发酵是一复杂的生化过程。Tobacco leaf leavening is a complex biochemistry process.

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它们赋予产品良好的风味,适于作食品发酵剂。They give the product good taste and make it suitable used as leavening agents.

说出旧约及新约各一个曾提及发酵的事件。Give one Old Testament and one New Testament incident where leavening is mentioned.

结果表明,抗病毒活性部分不能通过有机溶剂萃取出来。The results showed the anti-viral activity could not be extracted from the leavening by organic menstruum.

黑麦面团的发酵可通过使用乳酸菌和乙酸菌来酸化…Rye dough leavening is achieved by a sour dough formulation which includes lactic and acetic acid bacteria.

黑麦面团的发酵可通过使用乳酸菌和乙酸菌来酸化面团来完成。Rye dough leavening is achieved by a sour dough formulation which includes lactic and acetic acid bacteria.

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不少油炸食品含有膨松剂,容易损害脑组织,可能导致老年性痴呆症的发生。A lot of fried foods contain leavening agents, easily damaged brain tissue, may lead to the occurrence of senile dementia.

一种用发酵剂制成的面包,如焙粉,在烘烤中膨胀而不需要预先发酵一段时间。A bread made with a leavening agent, such as baking powder, that expands during baking and requires no leavening period beforehand.

二者都含有富弹性的蛋白质成分麸质,它能在发酵时促进气体的产生以帮助发面。Both contain the elastic protein substance gluten, which traps gas produced by fermentation during leavening , helping the Bread to rise.

你是否曾经遇到过一款巧克力蛋糕的食谱既不需要鸡蛋,也不需要黄油,而是仅仅依赖醋和苏打粉来进行发酵。Have you ever encountered a chocolate cake recipe that used neither eggs nor butter, but relied on vinegar and baking soda for leavening?

看起来粉嫩粉嫩的我,内在更是膨松轻盈又柔软,当然还有许多新鲜水果增加我迷人的气质,注意到我可爱的微笑没,赶快抱我回家吧!I look matte finish to a matte finish, is leavening the inner light and soft, took note of my lovely smile did not, hurry hold me go home!

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除去一些可以忽略的潜在的战略合作,没有理由相信这种情况会有所改善。With negligible areas of potentially leavening strategic cooperation on the horizon, there's no reason to expect relations to improve in 2008.

这片神奇的现实主义似乎是伊纳里多和他的共同作家礼物给我们,膨松的影片的其余部分困难的手段。This piece of magical realism seems to be Inarritu and his co-writers' gift to us, their means of leavening the hardships of the rest of the movie.

它即有羊绒织物的滑糯、柔软、膨松的手感,又有丝织物的光泽柔和、悬垂性好、不缩水、透气性强的特点。It is the fabric of cashmere, soft, leavening handle, and silk luster soft, fine drapability and not shrink and permeability is strong characteristic.

留恋于酒吧的琥珀色的灯光下,欣赏著悠扬而彷佛永远不会停歇的音乐,品一杯葡萄不美观味发酵后陈酿的醇喷香。Lingering in the bars of amber light, enjoying seem never resting melodious music, I savor a glass of mature mellow made from the fruity grape leavening.

至于教育,虽然是为了个人进步,但它也通过提高人们的认识,增强人们的理解力和增长人们的才智服务于社会。But although education is for the improvement of the individual , it also serves society by providing a leavening of men of understanding , of perception , and wisdom.

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跟她在一起,不消几分钟,就会被她不自觉的美国中西部式的友谊感染,十足是个哈佛魅力发酵的代言人。And it takes only a few minutes in her company to get a sense of how her unselfconscious midwestern friendliness works as a leavening agent for the intensity of harvard.

目前正在开发的项目有生姜姜香调料系列、菌脚膨松休闲食品系列、姜酒系列、山野菜系列产品。D and fruits. Projects currently being developed ginger ginger fragrant spices series, fungus foot leavening snack food series, ginger wine series, mountain vegetable products.

然而在干部队伍中,也有不少久经考验、立场坚定的老干部,还有一批具有一定文化的农民子弟,他们是领导这场运动的中坚力量。Among the cadres, however, there was a leavening of older, resolute men and also a bitter group of young peasant boys with some education who took the lead in the fight on the landlords.