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空气从肺部输出,首先通过声门。Air that is expelled from the lungs passes through the glottis.

谢晋用他那特有的大嗓门,介绍了几句自己的拍摄计划。Xie Jin with he that unique big glottis , introduced several his shooting plan.

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目的探讨半导体激光手术治疗早期声门癌的护理要点。Objective To study the nursing points of using semiconductor laser to cure early glottis cancer.

若气道扭曲,则应减少压力以充分暴露声门。If the airway becomes distorted, releasing cricoid pressure may improve visualization of the glottis.

当处于水下时,动物会把水推入到腮里,同时也把声门关闭了。When underwater, the animals pushed water past their gills while simultaneously pushing the glottis down.

助手可以轻轻地牵拉患者唇及颊的右侧,增加声门的可视度。An assistant can gently pull the right side of the patient's lip and cheek to enhance visibility of the glottis.

目的研究撞击参数对声门紧闭状态下肺撞击伤的影响。Objective To study the effects of impact parameters on the lung impact injury under closure of glottis in rabbits.

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本次关于婴幼儿的研究中,与环状软骨相比,声门才是儿童气道最狭窄的部位。In this study of infants and children, the glottis rather than cricoid was the narrowest portion of the pediatric airway.

从说话人的肺部到声门,我们总感觉到他们将“她”视之为女性化,而从他们的舌尖跳出的语音我们每一次都能听到,“她”是个中立的单词。“She” stays feminine all the way from the lungs up to the glottis and is neutered only when she reaches the tip of the tongue.

目的探讨声门型低分化喉癌的临床特点、治疗及预后。Objective To determine the clinical characteristic, treatment and prognosis for poorly differentiated carcinomas of the glottis.

根据这个原理,当歌唱者在声门的“冲开”和“闭合”环节上不能与气息相辅相成地协调工作时就会产生破音。According to singing principle, break will take place when singer cannot coordinate breath during opening and closing of the glottis.

急诊室应常规备有鳄鱼钳等简单器械,以利迅速取出嵌顿于声门的异物。Also there should be such simple apparatus as a crocodile clamp in the emergency room to rapidly remove foreign bodies inlaid in the glottis.

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经过仔细选择病例,肩胛舌骨肌瓣修复喉部分切除术后缺损、重建声门是积极有效和切实可行的。For selected cases, using omohyoid myofascial flap to repair the partial laryngeal defect and reconstruct glottis is available and practicable.

声带麻痹和喉肌力弱均会使声门闭合不良,而造成声音嘶哑。Incomplete closure of the glottis with hoarseness of voice is usually caused by vocal cord paralysis and weakness of laryngeal muscles of phonation.

不过因为惰性的关系,空气柱还持续往上移动,使得声门及其上方形成半真空状态,这让声带闭得更紧。Because of inertia, though, the air column continues to move up, leaving a partial vacuum in and above the glottis that acts to slam the folds more strongly together.

在镜片的下侧和背侧,分别装有供氧管和吸痰管,可在暴露声门的同时供氧和吸痰。An oxygen -supply pipe and suction tube are settled on the bottom and side of tongue-spatula to provide oxygen and absorb phlegm simultaneously on exposure of glottis.

演唱的好坏,与其喉音、节奏的把握、对于拉音,震音等细节的控制等有关。Whether the singing is successful or not depends on the detailed control of the prolonging and vibrating of their singing as well as the singer's grasp over his glottis and rhythm.

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那时候没音响也没喇叭,全靠艺人一副好嗓门,可见当时书会的兴盛程度。At that time does not have the sound also not to have the loudspeaker, depends entirely on an entertainer good glottis , obviously at that time entertainers' guild's prosperous degree.