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我追猎那头金鹿!I hunt for the golden stag.

不带女伴的男人在海湾是危险的敌人。A stag at bay is a dangerous foe.

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这一天如今仍被称为“雄鹿之夜”。This is still called the "Stag Night".

猎狗不要多久就会追到那头牡鹿。The hounds will soon hunt down the stag.

你会接受我的邀请来参加男人聚会吗?Would you accept my invitation to a stag party?

“牡鹿?”酒吧老板吼道,“那是只山羊,白痴!”"Stag?" roared the barman. "It's a goat, idiot! "

阿之间出现了争吵马和雄鹿。A quarrel had arisen between the Horse and the Stag.

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从倒影中他看到一对鹿角,他已经变成一头雄鹿了。He's seen a pair of antlers, he's turning into a stag.

雄鹿有被称为多叉鹿角的,像大树枝般的角。Stag have large branch-like horns which are called antlers.

随著援助的猎人,马很快战胜了雄鹿。With the aid of the Hunter, the Horse soon overcame the Stag.

年幼的皇帝笑道,“你把鹿说成了马!”" the young emperor laughed. "You're calling a stag a horse! "

“我还是认为我看见了一头牡鹿守护神!”第一个食死徒大喊。"I still say I saw a stag Patronus! " shouted the first Death Eater.

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水落在他身上后,阿卡同转眼就变成了一只牡鹿。As soon as the water drops fell on Actaeon, he was changed into a stag.

我恐怕不能第二次再用山羊去冒充牡鹿了。I don't reckon I'll be able to pass off a stag as a goat a second time.

突然一头大鹿被射杀了,连续三周也没有看到鹿王了。Yet suddenly a huge stag is shot and there’s no sighting for three weeks.

每瓶都烙上了代表麦肯齐氏的金属标志。The metal stag is emblazed on every bottle to represent the clan MacKenzie.

但他的基因将传承下去,也许我们会看到一个更大的埃克斯穆尔鹿。But his genes will live on and perhaps we’ll see an even greater Exmoor stag.

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“你是在开玩笑吧?”年幼的皇帝笑道,“你把鹿说成了马!”"Are you kidding?" the young emperor laughed. "You're calling a stag a horse! "

另一位男性表示他在和八位男性朋友一起去泰国旅行时买过性。Another man paid for sex during a stag trip to Thailand with eight of his friends.

我非常开心两年前我用樱桃核击中了这只雄鹿。I was extremely pleased that I shot at the stag with cherry stones two years earlier.