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保温材料的加工。Heat preservation material processing.

在使用与保存之间要讲求平衡。There's balance between use and preservation.

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如今,这是一种自我保护的手段。These days, it is an act of self- preservation.

酝酿着的诺言,保存期又有几年。A promise, the preservation period and a few years.

心意太极拳对养生和防病治病有很好的功效。It has a good effect on life preservation and cure.

所有的政治行动,都是以保守或变革为目的。All political action aims at preservation or change.

毗湿奴,梵语神话中的创造与维持之神。Vishnu, the Supreme God of creation and preservation.

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抄袭者,至少也可记保存文物的一。Plagiarists, at least, have the merit of preservation.

请将本品置于室内常温状态保存。Please put this product on indoor normal preservation.

方言区和弱势语言区的保护。Preservation of dialect regions and minority languages.

保鲜真空机将满足您的上述需求。Preservation vacuum machine will meet your needs above.

你可以在这里面进行修改,观览和保存。You can modify it inside, Observation and preservation.

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低碳化倾向和较强的油膜保持性。Low carbonization trend and strong oil film preservation.

主要评价指标是3年保喉率。The primary endpoint was 3-year larynx preservation rate.

在这里,船员安全和装备的维护是常用口令。Here, crew safety and kit preservation are the watchwords.

函子的法律证明保存完整的结构吗?。Do the functor laws prove complete preservation of structure?

是传统保温材料的新替代品。Is the traditional heat preservation material new substitute.

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阳面保温卷帘高度以冬天为准。Sun heat preservation shutter height to winter shall prevail.

我们考虑用纳米材料来做食物保鲜。We are looking at using nano-materials for food preservation.

而促进栽培稻的发展,必须建立野生稻自然保护区。Thus natural preservation for wild rice should be established.