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一个驯狮新手正在接受采访。A novice lion tamer was interviewed.

一位驯狮新手正在接受采访。A novice lion tamer was being interviewed.

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让他们说,我生活在训马人--赫克托尔的时代。Let them say I lived in the time tamer of horses.

驯狮员害怕狮子会攻击他。The lion tamer was afraid the lions would turn on him.

让他们说,我活在赫克托时代,一名伟大的将帅。Let them say I lived in the time of Hector, tamer of horses.

他们的确是南美最驯服的泰加。This suggests that they are the tamer tegus of South America.

假如我们都是马戏团里的动物,那么谁会是驯狮者?If we are all animals in the circus, who can be the lion tamer ?

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解甘草甜素DGL已成为为“衬塔默”之称的一个很好的理由!DGL has become known as "The Lining Tamer" for a very good reason!

你说出谩骂之词后,只是说出了你希望说出的话而已。After you shout an expletive, simply say the tamer word you wished you had said.

那个训练骆驼的人一直在鞭打那只骆驼,吓到我的心都跳出来了。The tamer kept beating the camel and this made me feel even more frightened. Oh!

当驯马和驯狮者表演时,人们笑着拍手鼓掌。People laughed and clapped their hands as the horses and the lion tamer performed.

当驯狮者走进狮笼的时候,一般会带手枪、长鞭和椅子。When the lion tamer goes into the lion cage, he brings a pistol, a whip and a chair.

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唉!它变成了驯兽师,用铁钩和鞭子操纵你们更大的欲望成为傀儡。Ay, and it becomes a tamer and with hook and scourge makes puppets of your larger desires.

一个好的驯象师会每天花费数小时,唱着歌给一个新捕获的大象听。A good elephant tamer will spend hours a day singing love songs to a newly captured elephant.

读着大侄儿的“君子坦荡荡”,品味着大侄儿的“龙性谁驯”一个铁骨铮铮的男子汉会是所有人的骄傲的!Read the great nephew of" a gentleman", taste great nephew" dragon tamer who" an unyielding man will be proud of!

一位驯狮新手正在接受采访。“我知道你的父亲也是个驯狮手,”记者说。A novice lion tamer was being interviewed. "I understand your father was also a lion tamer, " the reporter queried.

著名的19世纪赌徒在在朗布兰奇捐钱给以他们的名字命名的消防公司,正如讲究体面的名流捐钱给大学一样。In Long Branch famous 19th-century gamblers endowed fire companies named after themselves, the way tamer eminences endowed colleges.

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当驯兽师走进狮笼时,他带着一把手枪,一支皮鞭和一把椅子。When the lion tamer goes into the lion cage, he brings a pistol, a whip and a chair. The chair is said to be the most efficient at controlling the beast.

在横额上雕有书体不同的寿字百个,其结构形制和装饰雕刻基本上与百狮坊相类似。In the body of the book banners have carved hundreds of different Longevity, its structure is basically the shape and decorative carving is similar to a lion tamer Square.

塔梅尔教授说,“我们现在还需要开展深入研究以确定这一研究结果是否可靠,并且看看降低雄性激素水平究竟能在多大程度上改善女性轻度多毛症”。"We now need to do further studies to test the reliability of this finding, and to see the extent to which the reduced androgens do help women with mild hirsutism , " says Professor Tamer.