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可从燃烧时的硫磺味识别出角蛋白。The sulfurous smell of Burning keratin is distinctive.

硫磺冲击波对每个生物和玩家造成2点伤害。Sulfurous Blast deals 2 damage to each creature and each player.

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潮汐作用为木卫一的内部加热,推动主要喷出物是硫的火山活动。Heating Io's interior, the pumping tides would generate the sulfurous volcanic activity.

我使用硫磺温泉的方法说明了多色地是多么地有用。The way I've used Sulfurous Springs demonstrates how beneficial multi-colored lands are.

考虑到硫磺矿的气味,塔金和阿纳金捂住自己的鼻子就可以理解了。Given what sulfurous deposits smell like, it's understandable Tarkin and Anakin hold their noses.

间歇泉似的喷柱不断喷发,泥浆翻腾着,而且蒸汽从峭壁和人行道上渐渐地渗漏出来,空气中留下了硫磺气味。Geysers erupt mud boils and steam seeps from cliffs and sidewalks leaving a sulfurous scent in the air.

蒸煮所用酸液是一种含有过量硫酸的酸性亚硫酸钙的溶液。The cooking liquor, called acid, is thus a solution of calcium which contains an excess of sulfurous acid.

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亚硫酸盐法制浆过程中活性化学物质是二氧化硫、硫酸以及酸性亚硫酸钙。The active cooking chemicals in the sulfite process are sulfur dioxide, sulfurous acid, and calcium bisulfite.

由于硫酸烧渣中的铁属于强磁性矿物,采用湿式鼓筒式弱磁选机分选是较为适宜的。SW type desulfurizer is made from sintered dross of sulfurous ore and applied to removal of H_2S from marsh gas.

国外对高含硫天然气的开发已有几十年经验,其净化技术也有较大的发展。The purification technology of the high sulfurous natural gas in our country has been in the investigation stage.

不过有时候这样得到的动物蛋白会变成黄色、褐色,或者散发出强烈的气味——蘑菇味、酸味或硫磺味。Sometimes the proteins turn yellow or brown, though, or acquire a strong odor—from mushroomy to acidic or sulfurous.

公元2006年5月13日,梅拉比火山喷出一道灰色的硫磺烟柱,好似一群绵羊从火山口冒出来。Then, on May 13, 2006, Merapi spewed a gray plume of sulfurous smoke that resembled a flock of sheep leaving the crater.

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如果你在你的行动阶段使用此咒语,则改为硫磺冲击波对每个生物和玩家造成3点伤害。If you played this spell during your main phase, Sulfurous Blast deals 3 damage to each creature and each player instead.

讨论了普遍分布的各种含硫矿山所排放的酸性废水的产生机理和对水质产生的环境危害影响。The mechanism of production and the hazard of the acid waste water from all kinds of sulfurous mines are studied in this paper.

劳伦斯成功的吸引了热爱艺术的人们在他的硫磺世界,最后给美丽女人的催眠。Lorenzo has succeeded in attracting the arty people in his sulfurous world in which feminine hypnotic beauty finally meets intelligence.

现在数万雪柜散发出腥臭的虾、像硫磺的鸡蛋、腐烂的水果、腐臭的肉的让人作呕的恶臭。Now tens of thousands of appliances are releasing a gag-inducing stench of rancid shrimp, sulfurous eggs, rotting fruit and putrid meat.

对比实验表明细菌菌液比稀硫酸吸收法的脱硫效率更高。Compared with the method of diluted sulfurous acid absorption, the ability of desulphurization by the bacterial solution is more efficient.

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指出从改善弹簧管的材质入手来提高含硫天然气管道用压力表的寿命是不可取的。It is not advisable to lengthen the pressure gauge service life of sulfurous gas pipeline by improving the material behavior of spring tube.

方法采用品红亚硫酸法和乙酰丙酮法测定吊白块中甲醛含量,并计算样品中吊白块的含量。Methods The content of formaldehyde in rongalite was determined by sulfurous acid, magenta and acetylacetone spectrophotometry respectively.

介绍了亚硫酸钙氧化为石膏的反应机理及影响反应过程的某些因素。The paper introduces the reaction mechanism of oxidating sulfurous acid calcium to gypsum and some factors to influence the reaction process.