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若此,我选择后者。I'll take Option B thanks.

立法是一种选择。Legislation is one option.

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多控制器选项。Multiport controller option.

我们选择了前者,撒盐。We went for the salt option.

我除了同意以外别无选择。I had no option but to agree.

我来说一下我的浅见吧。Let me give my humble option.

运行的Msconfig从运行的选择。Run MsConfig from Run option.

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他汀类药物是另一种选择。Statins are the other option.

这是最少用的选项。This is the least-used option.

而什么都不做不应是一个选项。Doing nothing is not an option.

燕麦片也是一个不错的选项。Oatmeal is another good option.

因此,请取消选中此选项。Therefore, uncheck this option.

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这是迄今为止最好的选择。This is by far the best option.

不然他们有什么办法?What other option do they have?

抱怨也是一种危险的选择。Whingeing is a risky option too.

删去不适用的选择。Delete the non-applicable option.

“持久性服务器”选项说。"Persistant server" option added.

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但是风投们可从不提供那个选项。But VCs never offered that option.

内置的RSS饲料选项的博客。Blog with built-in RSS feed option.

每一项选择都具有正反两面性。Every option has its pros and cons.