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任何类型。Any type.

有人回答吗Any takers?

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有想法么Any thoughts?

别的颜色呢?Any other color?

——任何餐馆?Any restaurants?

有建议么?Any suggestions?

其他的小抱怨呢?Any other gripes?

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随时欢迎!Welcome any time!

有别的症状吗?Any other symptom?

你能捞到吗?Can you catch any?

好了,有没有人猜一下Okay. Any guesses?

有问题吗?,是的。Any questions? Yes.

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有没有疤或者痂?。Any scars or scabs?

有游泳区吗?Any swimming areas?

你们有想法么?好,请说。Any thoughts? Yeah.

任何人?谁想做这笔交易?Anyone? Any takers?

猜猜看是谁?Guess. Any guesses?

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你有碎肉吗?。Have you any mince?

你有没有尝过?Have you tried any?

有什么好笑的吗?Is there any funny?