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他们所处的地位使其得以篡权。Their position enabled them to usurp power.

他企图僭越校长的权力。He attempted to usurp the principal's authority.

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如果中国真的篡夺了美国的地位,这会是一个怎样的霸主呢?If China does usurp America, what kind of hegemon will it be?

乳腺癌细胞为了浸润和转移而可破坏这个过程。Breast cancer cells usurp this process for invasion and metastasis.

请将帐号易手的请求置于本段的最底。Please put your request of usurp at the end of this page. Thank you.

而与此同时,胡安娜的父亲与丈夫私底下共谋篡夺她的皇位。Concurrently, her father and husband covertly conspired to usurp her throne.

南诏郑氏篡蒙氏,改国号曰大长和。Nan Zhao Zheng usurp Montessori, changing the country's largest long and Hao Yue.

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任何组织和个人不得截留、挪用或侵占民办高校的资产。No organization or individual may retain, misappropriate or usurp any of its assets.

工业化生产已开始篡夺家庭生产和分配的功能。Industrialism began to usurp the production and distribution functions of the family.

禁止任何组织或者个人破坏、损害和侵占国防资产。All organizations and individuals are forbidden to undermine, damage or usurp defence assets.

唐代后期枢密使的设置则为宦官控制政权提供了机会。The privy position in late Tang Dynasty provided opportunities for the eunuch to usurp power.

他担心这位强有力的圣哲有一天会篡夺天帝的位置。Indra worried that this powerful sage would one day want to usurp the position of king of heaven.

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正因为懒惰与懦弱,别人便得以轻而易举地以看护人自居。It is because of laziness and cowardice that it is so easy for others to usurp the role of guardians.

缓慢但明显的,对冲基金正越来越像他们曾剥夺其权力的传统资产经理人。Slowly but surely, hedge funds are becoming like the old-fashioned asset managers they once aimed to usurp.

归根究柢,所有的恐惧都是出自最基本的妄见,以为自己有篡夺上主大能的本事。All fear is ultimately reducible to the basic misperception that you have the ability to usurp the power of God.

以“四人帮”为例,他们是一群企图篡权为自己的目的服务的狂热者。Take the Gang of Four as an example of a group of zealots who attempted to usurp power to serve their own purposes.

最近的一些事件证明了大量公司的财务过程使管理者有机可乘。Recent events prove that financial processes in a number of companies gave management opportunity to usurp controls.

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它不会完全取代谷歌阅读器进行管理和共享活动,只是因为谷歌阅读器可以在个人电脑上使用。It won't usurp Google Reader for curating and sharing activities, simply because Google Reader can be used on the PC.

欧元或人民币仍未能取而代之,美元不会迅速失去其储备货币的地位。With neither the euro nor the yuan yet ready to usurp it, the dollar will not quickly lose its reserve-currency status.

中国现在每年可提供四十万工程师,它正打算有朝一日替代日本成为亚洲最大的经济实体。China turns out some 400, 000 engineers every year, hoping to usurp Japan’s place one day as Asia’s greatest economic power.