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那么,这是宿命吗?And this was foreordination?

这叫宿命?Is it call "foreordination"?

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大概这就是她的宿命。Maybe it is a foreordination.

这或许是一种宿命。This may be called foreordination.

这是一场浓缩的宿命。This is a condensed foreordination.

人根本改变不了所谓的命。Mortals can not change so-called foreordination at all.

宿命往往被用于解释无法被解释的东西。Foreordination is usually used to explain the unexplained.

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莎翁的一生给人一种强烈的宿命感。Shakespear's life gives us a strong feeling of Foreordination.

宿命,这个可怕的东西不仅会束缚住一个人,就算是神也逃脱不掉啊……The foreordination could fetter everyone, no matter a human or a god.

关柏春常说自己和石头之间有一种缘分。Guan often said there were some kind of foreordination between him and stones.

没有人会对你的生命负责,除了你自己。Everyone has his foreordination. No one will responsible for your life, but yourself.

这一合理的悖论或许是任何希冀创建带有自身学派特色的知识共同体的一种“宿命”。A rational paradox may be the " foreordination " of any academic community with distinctive characteristics.

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再次选择行走新疆,只为穿越心中那百年的宿命。Chose to hike in Xinjiang again, just because I wanted to go through my hundreds year foreordination in my heart.

从他的悼友诗中我们能看到时间解释了遗民的悲剧宿命。Form his poetry of mourning for friends, we can comprehend that it is time that can explain YiMin's tragic foreordination.

从他的悼友诗中我们能看到时间解释了遗民的悲剧宿命。From his poetry of mourning for friends, we can comprehend that it is time that can explain YiMin's tragic foreordination.

在侠义文化根深蒂固,律法制度很不健全的近现代中国,这大概是难以摆脱的宿命。This foreordination with the deep-rooted chivalrous culture and legal incompetence in modern China is perhaps difficult to get rid.

这是一种对生活真相产生的严重怀疑但却不愿屈服的孤独,如同宿命一般让人无法抗拒。This is a kind of loneliness which Serious doubt the truth of life but insubordination, it likes foreordination and makes people can't resist.

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正是芬伯格的技术批判理论使我们看到了打破宿命的、敌托邦的现代性的可能,并且指出了一条通向可选择的现代性的途径。It is Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology makes us see the possibility of foreordination broken and dystopian modernity, and he also indicated a road leading to an Alternative Modernity.