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五氯苯酚中所含的二恶英正是污染物。PCP contains dioxins as contamination.

HIV阳性,并有过卡式肺囊虫肺炎治疗史的病人HIV-positive people with a history of treated PCP.

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五氯苯酚被广泛用作杀真菌剂和木柴防腐剂。PCP is widely used as a fungicide and wood preservative.

在高剂量的情况下,PCP可以让人失去痛感。PCP can make one nearly impervious to pain at high doses.

本文研究了镍、汞和五氯酚对摇蚊幼虫的毒性作用。This paper studied the toxicity effect of Ni, Hg and PCP on Chironomus Larva.

这适用于某些疾病,如结核病,沙门氏菌,隐球菌和卡式肺囊虫肺炎等。This applies to diseases such as tuberculosis, salmonella, cryptococcosis and PCP.

五氯苯酚光催化氧化速率明显高于光分解。For PCP reaction rate of photocatalytic oxidation is much higher than that of photolysis.

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严重的卡式肺囊虫肺炎初期多采用增效磺胺甲基异唑或克林霉素和口服伯氨喹进行治疗。Severe cases of PCP are initially treated with TMP-SMX or clindamycin and oral primaquine.

由于APP对多种抗生素都易产生耐药性,所以疫苗接种是防制本病的主要措施。Because APP has resistance against many antibiotics, vaccination has been a main measure to prevent PCP.

方法连续地塞米松皮下注射大鼠6周诱导建立肺孢子虫肺炎动物模型。Methods PCP rat models were established by hypodermic injection of dexamethasone twice a week for 6 weeks.

最早提出PCP的作用与精神分裂的症状有相似之处的研究,是在1960年代进行的。Such studies first drew parallels between the effects of PCP and the symptoms of schizophrenia in the 1960s.

在PCP,肺泡毛细血管膜通透性明显增加,存在明显肺损伤。The permeability of the alveolar capillary membrane and the lung injury were significantly increased in PCP.

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表明镉和五氯酚钠对三种水溞繁殖能力的影响是不一样的。Showed that the influence of cadmium and PCP to reproduction capacity in three Daphnia species was different.

这些发现表明PCP诱导的应激反应的增加与谷氨酸能神经系统有关。These findings suggest that such effect of PCP on both stress responses are involved in glutamatergic systems.

你应该报告任何症状五氯酚直线距离,因为条件可以突然恶化,在没有警告的。You should report any symptoms of PCP straight away because the condition can suddenly worsen without warning.

本文研究了助鞣剂PAT和PCP在裸皮中的吸收情况和鞣革性能。The absorbability in pelt and tanning properties of auxilliary tanning agents PAT and PCP had been investigated.

环境污染主要来源于本品的生产及工农业中的应用。The PCP environmental contamination are mainly caused by its production and its utilization in agriculture and industry.

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卡式肺囊虫肺炎是由一种原来被称为卡氏肺囊虫,但现在已改名为卡式肺孢菌的真菌所引起的。PCP is caused by a fungus, which was formerly called pneumocystis carinii but has now been renamed pneumocystis jirovecii.

在发达国家,卡式肺囊虫肺炎是一种常见的HIV相关的机会感染,但在非洲却似乎很少见。PCP is a frequent HIV associated opportunistic infection in industrialised countries but appears to be less common in Africa.

吸毒者为了取乐而吸食PCP,这种情况发生在美国居多,主要由非法生产来满足需求。PCP is consumed in a recreational manner by drug users, mainly in the United States, where the demand is met by illegal production.