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坚决的怀疑分子是誓不罢休的。The determined sceptic can never be silenced.

说明一下,Dyson是气候变化的怀疑论者。For the record, Dyson is a sceptic on climate change.

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抵达埃及后,腓特烈拜见了宗教怀疑论者同伴苏丹。Arriving in Egypt, Frederick met the sultan, a fellow sceptic in religious questions.

每个中国怀疑论者都有一个呼之欲出的新黄祸的预言。Inside every China sceptic is a prophet of the New Yellow Peril waiting to be let out.

直到公元前五世纪这种怀疑才开始出现,其主要代表是智者学派。Until 5th century B. C. , this sceptic started, its main representative was the school of sophism.

气候怀疑组织,尤其是罗森爵士的全球变暖政策组织,正加强对媒体的影响。Climate sceptic groups, in particular Lord Lawson's Global Warming Policy Foundation, are increasingly influencing the media.

怀疑主义者也有其绝对确信不疑的事情,即相信一切有限事物都是虚妄不实的。It would be more correct to say that the Sceptic has no doubt of his point, which is the nothingness of all finite existence.

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最初,美国只派了在克林顿执政时期任职的官员威廉·佩里,此人对北约扩张持怀疑态度。America, initially, offered only a retired Clinton-era official. William Perry, who was a notable sceptic about NATO expansion.

在很长一段时间内,我一直质疑尝试将非信息资源实体与计算机表示密切配合使用的系统。I've long been a sceptic of systems that try to couple the identities of non-information resources too closely to computer representations.

在对伊朗实行严厉的经济制裁,迫使其放弃让人不安的铀浓缩计划上,德国一直是对这一行为持怀疑态度的主要西方国家。Germany has been the leading Western sceptic in toughening economic sanctions on Iran to discourage its alarming uranium-enrichment programme.

肯尼迪对权力分享协议的可行性极为怀疑,据说他曾正式同在野党鞭策者讨论过他的担心。Mr Kennedy, the most prominent sceptic about the power-sharing agreement, was said to have informally discussed his worries with opposition whips.

这位外交政策的现实主义者,反对伊拉克战争的米尔斯海默教授,对以色列在美国的游说官员持激烈的批评态度,另一方面,他对美国衰落论持怀疑态度。A foreign policy realist, Prof Mearsheimer opposed the Iraq war, is a fierce critic of the Israeli lobby in the US and a sceptic about American decline.