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中国提供的也不应该被嘲笑。Nor is China’s offer derisory.

然而,在欧洲使用天然气燃料的汽车少的可笑。Yet in Europe use of natural-gas vehicles is derisory.

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大脚发出了嘲弄的笑声,证明他根本不懂得反话。Heavy-foot made a derisory noise, proving that he didn't recognize irony when he heard it.

很少有外国投资者持有日元现金或债券,各国央行的持有量也同样少得可怜。Few non-Japanese investors own yen cash or bonds, and central bank holdings are similarly derisory.

他通过发言人表示,那样一个出价“简直是在嘲笑我们,我不相信股东们会同意”。Lewis, though a spokesman, said the offer 'is derisory , and I do not believe that shareholders will approve it.

这种漠视消费者的做法并不会给企业带来很大的损失,因为日本在产品责任诉讼方面的赔偿额度较低,有时甚至没有。The costs of such negligence are low in Japan where compensation for product liability claims is mostly derisory or non-existent.

卡夫在收购时提出自律,但现实却凸显管理层的脆弱."Kraft talks about discipline in making their derisory offer but it's really about management weakness," Carr said in a statement.

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“尼古拉斯萨克奇不打算放弃这个法案,无论那些只会伤害创新多元化的微不足道的手段是什么,”他的办公室在一份发言中说道。"Nicolas Sarkozy does not intend to give up on it, whatever the derisory manoeuvres that only serve to harm creative diversity, " his office said in a statement.

沙洲已经出现了,航行速度也减慢了,渔民抱怨让人嘲弄的捕鱼量,6千万百姓的生计直接或间接依赖于湄公河,他们为此感到忧虑。Sandbanks have appeared, navigation has slowed, fishermen complain of derisory catches, and the 60m people whose livelihoods directly or indirectly depend on the river are worried.

因此,我认为它足够被肯定,对于柏拉图本人。是他以阿珀洛得罗斯的名义说话,保撒尼亚斯的论述,确实是某件可笑的事。Therefore I think it is sufficiently affirmed that for Plato himself, in so far as it he is who speaks here under the name of Apollodoros, the discourse of Pausanias is indeed something derisory.