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旋转木马开始转起来了。The turnabout began to swivel.

工作台的最大回转角度是120度。Maximum swivel of table is l20.

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工作台的最大旋转角度是120度。Eg. Maximum swivel of table is l20.

我现在不怎么扭屁股了,你知道么?I don't swivel my hips as much, you know?

她会回心转意的--这是她最大的优点。Eg. The maximum swivel of the table is l20.

硬橡胶活动肥仔轮。Ebonite swivel wide wheel industrial caster.

活动式橡胶脚轮。Furniture castor with rubber wheel, swivel type.

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高级抛光,四向旋转。Highly polished stainless steel four-way swivel.

活动式塑料脚轮。Furniture castor with plastic wheel, swivel type.

她回到桌子后面的转椅上。She returned to the swivel chair behind her desk.

旋转车门锁闩销90?并向里拉。Swivel door latch snib by90? And pull it inwards.

创新C型的底座是不锈钢材质的。Innovation C has a swivel base of stainless steel.

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你能再搬把旋转椅到房间里来吗?Could you bring another swivel chair into the room?

我坐在旋转椅上,扭过身,和吉姆攀谈了起来。I spun around in my swivel chair and chatted with Jim.

上海金旋旋转接头制造有限公司。Shanghai Jinxuan Swivel Joint Manufacturing Co. , Ltd.

端盖将被用来作为轴承或旋转点。The end cap will be used as the bearing or swivel point.

弗洛拉把那只笨重的转椅扶起来。Flora restored the heavy swivel chair to its upright position.

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室内的办公桌、沙发、转椅等都是原物。The desk, sofa and swivel chair etc. are all the original things.

你现在正坐在旋转办公椅上看这篇文章么?Are you sitting in a swivel office chair as you read this article?

在我的家乡的公园里有种类似秋千的转梯。In my hometown's park there is the swivel ladder similar to a swing.