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一旦推崇达尔文主义进化论,它会大放异彩。Once you light Darwinian evolution, it takes off.

他在乎的只是宏大的达尔文式的思想竞赛。What moves him is the grand Darwinian competition among ideas.

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达尔文的人,虽然乖巧,充其量只是一只猴子剃掉。Darwinian man, though well-behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved.

达尔文派的人虽然乖巧,但充其量只是一只剃掉毛的猴子。Darwinian man, though well-behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved.

但是每个完美的达尔文系统遵循”适者生存”。But every good Darwinian system needs a ‘Survival of The Fittest’ force.

这个无目标性和达尔文式看待地球生物的观点,是否有异曲同工之妙?Is this aimlessness in line with a Darwinian view of life on planet Earth?

对助产士而言,这样的浮现是达尔文进化论唯一的成就。To midwife such emergence is the singular achievement of Darwinian evolution.

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BENNER说生命的一个原则就是要满足达尔文进化论。Benner said one rule of life is that it must be capable of Darwinian evolution.

最聪明的拉马克个体比最聪明的达尔文个体聪明得多。The smartest Lamarckian individual was far smarter than the smartest Darwinian one.

我希望您能实践一下这些例子,并创建您自己的达尔文繁衍基础。I hope you experiment with the examples and create your own Darwinian breeding grounds.

这看起来是一个僵局,直到达尔文式的情节剧在上面的巢中出演。It looks like a standoff, until a Darwinian melodrama plays itself out in a nest above.

对于天体生物学家来说,生命是作为化学系统来定义的,这符合达尔文的进化论。For astrobiologists, life is defined as a chemical system that undergoes Darwinian evolution.

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对于大多数我们来说抵制达尔文主义者,把食物狼吞虎咽的吃光光是很难的,甚至是不可能的。It is difficult—impossible for many of us—to resist the Darwinian imperative to gobble all up.

达尔文主义的符号学,用符号学来研究物种间的关系。There is a Darwinian semiotics, understanding the relationships among species in semiotic terms.

同时达尔文思想也是基础,被认为同等重要。There is the fermentation of Darwinian thought, which at the same time is understood as crucial.

请为一场大型针对美国呆头呆脑的多动症儿童的达尔文式空袭做好准备吧。Prepare for a massive Darwinian strike aimed solely at the ADD infested nerd-children of America.

在一开始,福山假定在达尔文自然选择和政治进化之间存在着某种联系。At the outset, Fukuyama posits a link between Darwinian natural selection and political evolution.

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没有人愿意向杰斯丁的理论做挑战?,你们都服从达尔文的自我奋斗?我有个问题。Do you all submit to this Darwinian struggle of egos? l got a question. Mr. Haywood, you're awake!

“这种达尔文主义的观点也可以用来解释随着年龄变化的睡眠模式变化,”他说。"This Darwinian perspective can explain age-related changes in human sleep patterns as well," he said.

如果性别差异存在于,达尔文所说的自然选择当中,我们可以消除性别差异吗?That is, if they exist through Darwinian natural selection, ? to what extent can we ever get rid of them?