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所有动物都有以心传心的能力吗?Do all animals have telepathic abilities?

你是一个魔法师并且小有心灵感应术。You are an Illusionist and somewhat telepathic.

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以心传心能对动物作出伤害的吗?Can telepathic animal communication hurt the animals?

与仙女座代表的沟通方式是心电感应Telepathic communication with Andromedan representatives

你们将与母船向你们的广播有直接的心灵感应连接。You will have a direct telepathic link with mother ships broadcasting to you.

班萨与它的骑乘者之间有内在的联系,如同具有心灵感应术。The bantha and its rider are intrinsically linked, as if on a telepathic level.

由发现玛雅守则,列斯发现了心灵感应性质时间。By uncovering the Mayan codes, Arguelles discovered the telepathic nature of time.

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在穷途末路之际,曾为他捐躯的亡魂们向他呼唤着他感应到的求救信号。In their dire straits, his followers called to him with telepathic distress signals.

许多人都和自己亲近的人曾有过类似心电感应般的经历。Many human beings have experienced telepathic connections with people close to them.

温情脉脉,星光搭桥,我们瞬时建立了心灵相通的联系。Over-romantic, with star bypass, we have established a telepathic instant connection.

是的,我立刻开始观察是否能和她心电感应,的确可以。Yes, I immediately began to see if I could be telepathic with her, and yes, it is so.

但是,当你的心灵感应能力打开,你能与我们进行无语言的通讯。However, as one's telepathic abilities open, one may communicate with us non-verbally.

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联系来自更高维度的生命是通过一个心灵感应术方法来制造联系。Connection with beings from higher dimensions is made by a method of a telepathic contact.

还是海龟感应到了易安的心里的想法并把它传达给了盛安?Or had the turtle understood Yian's telepathic message and somehow passed it on to Shengan?

用托雷斯自己的话说,他们俩有着心灵感应,当其中一个人走位以及传球的时候。In his words they had a telepathic understanding when it came to making runs and the right pass.

这一脉轮负责通过非物理领域的感应交流而受到的信息。This chakra governs information received through telepathic communication with the non-physical realms.

该页向你提供了你着手进行星光体旅行和心灵感应交流的基本信息。This page provides a basic information on Astral Travel and Telepathic Communication to get you started.

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作为对阿纳德坚持主张的回答,麦克斯,米利亚和奥罗拉已经走到广场的一半了。Answering to Anad's telepathic insistence, Max, Miriya, and Aurora were already halfway across the square.

令人不解的是,历史上居然会有这么一个人吸引了能够感应到那么多“孤魂野鬼”们在另一时空如此深重和惨烈的求救呼唤。It is questionable whether any person in history ever attracted so many telepathic cries of such fierceness.

这是一种强有力心电感应爆发的迹象,并会直接影响你在困窘,惶恐,焦虑情况之下作出的决定。It is a sign of a strong telepathic burst that is directed in your direction out of distress, fear or concern.