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谁为叙利亚提供资金?Who funded this for Syria?

我们是否将与叙利亚开战呢?Are we going to war with Syria?

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以后我到了叙利亚和基利家境内。Later I went to Syria and Cilicia.

他们在1971年离开了利比亚,当我只有3岁得时候。They left Syria in 1971, when I was 3.

与之相比,大叙利亚更像是一盘散沙。But Greater Syria is more of a hodgepodge.

奥马尔来自叙利亚,14岁,擦鞋。Omar is a 14 year-old shoe shiner from Syria.

我正在记录我的经历,为什么生活在叙利亚?I’m documenting my experience at Why So Syria?

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叙利亚正试图无情地粉碎抵抗。Syria is trying to ruthlessly crush resistance.

哈菲兹·阿萨德一直坚持“大叙利亚”思想。Hafiz al-Asad was a fan of the"Great Syria"idea.

叙利亚的塞尔柱王朝建立于1094年。The Seljuk dynasty of Syria was founded in 1094.

第一次世界大战后,叙利亚成了法国的托管地。After World War I, Syria became a French mandate.

马巴胡赫1月19日从叙利亚来到迪拜。Al-Mabhouh arrived in Dubai from Syria on Jan. 19.

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许多黎巴嫩人将哈里里的死归咎于叙利亚。Many Lebanese blamed Syria for Mr Hariri's murder.

他还把叙利亚的财富拱手让人!…He secedes the wealth of syria to a foreign power !

你的军队在叙利亚已被一股强人击败。A band of highwaymen had defeated your army in Syria.

此后,我往叙利亚和基里基雅地域去了。Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia.

Hamada是在叙利亚和黎巴嫩长大的巴勒斯坦人。Hamada is a Palestinian who grew up in Syria and Lebanon.

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神人以利沙如何靠著神面对亚兰大军?How prophet Elisa face the army of Syria by trusting God?

世袭荫叙制的影响。Fourth, the system of hereditary characteristics Syria Yam.

这让工资水平与约旦和叙利亚不相上下。This makes rates competitive with those of Jordan and Syria.