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如果是后者,那他们也将是感性的哭泣者。For the latter, this will be a weeper.

由此才使得泪水和哀哭者一同得到转变。And that will transform both the tears and the weeper.

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掏出纸巾吧,在这部动人的催泪小说中找到答案。Grab your tissues and find out in this touching weeper.

掏出纸巾吧,在这部动人的催泪小说中找到答案。Grab your tissues and find out in this touching weeper.

我很爱哭,很少能不掉眼泪看完一部好书或者好电影。I’ma weeper. I rarely make it through a decent book or movie without the tears flowing.

你可以知道很多关于他的眼泪从男人很多,众议院议长将要博纳一直是个爱哭鬼。You can tell a lot about a man from his tears, and House Speaker–to-be John Boehner has always been a weeper.

美国众议院的议员们需要准备好手帕了,因为新任议长是个“爱哭鬼”。约翰-博纳素以“爱哭”闻名政坛。Got hankies? The next speaker is a weeper. The new House Speaker John Boehner has a reputation for tearing up.

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多年以后,受到悲剧打击的她还能逆转自己的坏运气吗掏出纸巾吧,在这部动人的催泪小说中找到答案。Years later, after tragedy strikes, can she reverse her bad fortune Grab your tissues and find out in this touching weeper.

多年以后,受到悲剧打击的她还能逆转自己的坏运气吗?掏出纸巾吧,在这部动人的催泪小说中找到答案。Years later, after tragedy strikes, can she reverse her bad fortune? Grab your tissues and find out in this touching weeper.

用疏导法排水与盲沟排水相结合的技术措施,能快捷有效地把泉水降至设计标高以下。The traditional drainage method isn′t practical. Drainage cutting combined with weeper drain could quickly dewater to the designed water level.