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地下灌溉的适用性是有限制的。Subsurface irrigation is limited in its adaptation.

天然二氧化碳气藏是一种地下资源。Natural carbon dioxide gas pool is a kind of subsurface resources.

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压裂作业期间注入地下的水。Water that has been injected into the subsurface during a frac job.

激发极化法的探测深度可达数千米深。The IP method can probe to subsurface depths of thousands of meters.

说明工程投资对地下水可供水量的变化更敏感。This means that engineering cost is more sensitive to subsurface water.

注意在这个过程中柱销和潜伏式浇口之间被剪断。Note that the peg is 'sheared' from the subsurface gate in tile process.

微型无线电频率将寻找地下冰并且绘制火山口的地图。The Miniature Radio Frequency will look for subsurface ice and map craters.

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以及南太平洋次表层水和南太平洋中层水。And the South Pacific Subsurface Water and South Pacific Intermediate Water.

在这块区域的许多位置,雷达都探测到了厚实的地下冰河。In this area, the radar is detecting thick subsurface ice in many locations.

这些水存在的全部区域称为地下生物圈。The overall region where this water exists is called the subsurface biosphere.

探地雷达使用微波雷达脉冲创建详细的地下物体图像。GPR uses microwave radar pulses to create detailed images of subsurface objects.

地下温压场控制了气藏的成藏动力学。Subsurface temperature?pressure field controls dynamics of gas reservoir forming.

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在地下水碘化物聚集过程中,气体可起重要作用。Gas may play an important part in the accumulation of iodide in subsurface waters.

地下水流是水于地下蓄水层或地下水位线以上的空间流动。Subsurface Flow is the flow of water underground, in the vadose zone and aquifers.

在地下储层中的或从地下储层中产出的原生气。它不同于被注入的气或经过处理的气。Original gas in or from the subsurface reservoir as opposed to injected or treated gas.

地表和地下岩溶的演化极其复杂。The relationship of evolution between surface and subsurface karsts is very complicated.

不适用于地下建筑、地下矿井、无窗厂房等。It isn't suitable for subsurface construction, subsurface mine, windowless workshop, etc.

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转换波勘探成本低,获取的地下信息量大。The converted-wave is low in exploration cost and can obtain huge subsurface information.

因此,N、S、P和湿度对地下环境中微生物的活性有重要影响。Therefore, N, S, P and humidity had significant effects on subsurface microbial activity.

另外,某些撞击似乎融化了地下的冰,形成泥流。It carved valleys, and some impacts appear to have melted subsurface ice to generate mudflows.