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我在投资方面是个棒槌。I am an amateur in investment.

他是业缺网球活动员。He is an amateur tennis player.

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他也是个狂热的业馀天文学家。He is an avid amateur astronomer.

他被划归为业余组。He is bracketed in the amateur group.

他对业余戏剧演出感兴趣。He is interested in amateur theatricals.

业余拳击比赛也同样精彩。The amateur bouts are equally impressive.

那个球队是由兼职球员组成的业余选手。from an amateur side of part-time players.

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于台湾高雄的一群木工爱好者。It is an amateur woodworker club in Kaohsiung.

千万不要以满腔的热情却表现出业余的水平。Don't go into your passion with amateur skills.

只有这个婴儿的视频似乎是一个业余的。Only the baby video seems to be an amateur one.

每一个场景都有业余演员向观众问好。In each scene amateur actors greet the audience.

一场业余拳击比赛打三个回合。There are three rounds in an amateur boxing bout.

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溢安出席一场业馀天文学家会议。Ian attended a conference for amateur astronomers.

和业余戏剧团一起演出可能是有趣的。Acting with an amateur theatrical group can be fun.

晚上是业余才艺表演和迪斯科舞。Amateur talent activities and disco in the evening.

外行不该下大赌注赌轮盘赌。An amateur shouldn't play roulette for high stakes.

那支持对未来是重要的非职业收音机。That support is vital to the future of Amateur Radio.

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你参加过什么业余活动?What amateur activities have you ever taken part in ?

大多数无线电业余爱好者都是自己装机子。Most amateur radio operators build their own equipment.

有三个专业和二十个业余唱诗班。There are three professional and twenty amateur choirs.