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数据联合就是其中的一个。Data federation is one of them.

这是联盟的一个关键问题。This is a key issue for Federation.

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这对俄联邦是一笔大生意。It is huge deals for Russia Federation.

首先,他们遇到了盖伦特联邦。First, they met the Gallente Federation.

它也有内建的世界范围的联合模型。It also has a built-in worldwide federation model.

现在国际田联共有213个会员国。Now the IAAF has a total of 213 member federation.

他们轻视谢亚龙,足协主席。They despise Xie Yalong, who leads the federation.

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纽芬兰于949年加入该联邦。Newfoundland formally joined the federation in 949.

一些优秀人才离开了俄罗斯联邦。Some of good men drained from the Russian Federation.

ittf是国际乒乓球联合会的简称。ITTF stands for International Table Tennis Federation.

根据协会规定,所有资助者必须隐名。Bu Federation rules, all sponsors must remain anonymous.

根据协会规定,所有资助者必须隐名。By Federation rules, all sponsors must remain anonymous.

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可发性聚苯乙烯包装集团是英国塑料同盟的成员。EPS Packaging Group is part of British Plastics Federation.

后者表示不会收回捐赠款。The federation said it has no plan to reclaim its donation.

但是,中国妇联对此并不满意。However, the All-China Women's Federation appears unimpressed.

OMAC是自动化联盟的一个创办成员。OMAC is a founding charter member of The Automation Federation.

本文重点强调了数据联合方法的价值。This article highlights the value of the data federation approach.

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这是巴西足协的官方声明。This was officially announced by the Brazilian football federation.

跨异构数据源的高级数据和查询联合。Advanced data and query federation across heterogeneous data sources.

我与一个红十字&红新月会的顾问见过面。I had a meeting with a Red Cross & Red Crescent Federation consultant.