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这是“查理布朗和史努比的表演”!It's 'The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show'!

出售史努比洋娃娃对儿童没有好处。Seliing Snoopy dolls wasn't good for children.

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史努比是我最喜爱的卡通人物之一。One of my favorite cartoon characters is Snoopy.

史努比把查理看作是一个圆脑袋的小孩。Snoopy regards Charlie as "the round-headed kid".

第一次监听云后,莱纳斯的毛毯。The first time Snoopy goes after Linus's blanket.

为了买一只史努比洋娃娃,我们排队等候了2个小时We stood in line for two hours to get a Snoopy doll.

我要告诉你沙拉和思努比之间到底发生了什么。I"m fi"n to tell you what"s up with Sheila and Snoopy.

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史努比最厌恶的即是邻居的小猫WWLL。Snoopy dislikes the cat WWLL of its neighbor very much.

史努比造型的气球被人群牵引着走过纽约哥伦布广场。Snoopy balloon makes its way through Columbus circle in New York.

史努比和花花公子的兔子标志常见诸衣端。Snoopy and the Playboy bunny logo are often stitched onto clothing.

我的书通常被放在史努比和俏皮话集子中间。I'm generally shelved among Snoopy calendars and collections of wisecracks.

史努比一言不发,捡起一根树枝就扔了出去,然后看着查理。Without a word, Snoopy picked up a branch, threw it and then looked at Charlie.

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你从来没有见过牛。这里周围唯一的动物是史努比。You've never seen a cow. The only animal you've ever been around is snoopy here.

但从1960年起,史努比开始用两条腿走路,并且开始独立思考。However, since 1960, Snoopy has been standing on two legs and thinking independently.

让我们和查理布朗和史努比聚会吧,我们可以和琳达和露西一起跳舞。Let's have a party with Charlie Brown and Snoopy. We can go dancing with Linus and Lucy.

第五天的黄昏,斯努皮抵达了倒数第二站芝加哥。At nightfall of her fifth day on the road, Snoopy was in Chicago, her next- to-last stop.

除了恐龙木筏之外,也有赛车木筏、史奴比木筏及蠢蛋木筏。Besides the dinosaur raft, there have been race car rafts, a Snoopy raft and a Dumbo raft.

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除了恐龙木筏之外,也有赛车木笩、史奴比木筏及蠢蛋木笩。Besides the dinosaur raft, there have been race car rafts , a Snoopy raft and a Dumbo raft.

在其他家庭,加菲猫和史奴比紧系于枝子上而自己做的装饰品也派得上用场。Garfield and Snoopy cling to branches in other households. Homemade ornaments can be used, too.

让我们保持微笑,来吧,让我们同史努比和查理布朗一起跳舞。Put on a smile and stay for a while. Come on, let's dance around with Snoopy and Charlie Brown.