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他是我义大利通心面上的起司。He is the cheese to my macaroni.

呃,通心粉和奶酪怎么样?Uh, how about macaroni and cheese?

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但谁当通心粉?“But who gets to be Macaroni?” I asked.

我们准备了炸鸡、意大利通心粉和奶酪,还有甜点。We had fried chicken and macaroni and cheese.

今天美劳课,我们做通心面项链。Today we made macaroni necklaces in art class.

长冠企鹅,长冠企鹅,你看见了什么?Macaroni Penguin, Macaroni Penguin, what do you see?

晚上吃鳕鱼加奶酪通心面怎么样?How about codfish with macaroni and cheese for dinner.

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他对玛卡龙和蛋白杏仁饼干之间的区别进行了解释。He explains the difference between macaroni and a macaroon.

份米兰式通心粉,请不要放糖或盐。Milan Style Macaroni. Don't put sugar or salt in it. please.

最后,建立您的金钱的紫色和白色的线通心粉。At last, create your wampum by stringing purple and white macaroni.

每餐配有汤、面条及有火腿肠的通心粉。Each meal comes with soup, dotted with macaroni noodles and pieces of ham.

第一年过去之后,我那里黏糊的就像是煮了一个小时的通心粉似的了。After the first year my insides felt as mushy as macaroni boiled for an hour.

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他们一边煮通心粉和泡茶,一边互相戏弄和点烟。They tease each other and light cigarettes as they boil macaroni and brew tea.

通心粉、奶酪猪排、羽衣甘蓝、红豆以及米饭和饼干。Macaroni cheese, smothered pork chops, collard greens, red beans and rice & BISCUITS.

把做好的酱汁浇在煮好的意大利面上,就可以吃我们中国的意大利面了。Pour the tomato sauce onto the macaroni and then enjoy the delicious Chinese spaghetti!

工作人员还给小企鹅播放录音,让它熟悉长冠企鹅种群的叫声。Staff also played the chick a record of the sounds made by a group of macaroni penguins.

炒或煮面、米粉、粉丝、通心粉等,放入紫菜及蛋花速食汤料,味道鲜美营养。Fry or cook noodles, Rice flour and macaroni with instant seaweed & egg soup be much more delicious.

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该通心粉是烹调风味的卡蓬库存与藏红花,说明阿拉伯国家的影响力。The macaroni was to be cooked in capon stock flavored with saffron, illustrating the Arab influence.

饲养员自制了一只手套玩偶,装作成年长冠企鹅的模样。In order to hand-rear the chick, keepers used a homemade glove puppet to mimic an adult macaroni penguin.

就像通心面烤肉餐厅一样,这个意大利餐厅提供很多对你有益的选择,只要你总是那么明智。Like Macaroni Grill, this Italian eatery has great-for-you options, as long as you keep your wits about you.