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阳光驱散了薄雾。The sun dissipated the mist.

一切疑虑现在都烟消云散了。All doubts have now dissipated.

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可是最后还是如雾般消散。But eventually dissipated as Wuban.

他挥霍掉他的大笔遗产。He dissipated his large inheritance.

当太阳升起时雾渐渐消散。The fog dissipated when the sun rose.

太阳照耀而薄雾逐渐消散。The sun shone and the mist dissipated.

这些花花公子整天沉湎于花天酒地的放荡生活。These playboys riot in dissipated living.

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旁遮普邦锡克族的挑战已不构成威胁。The Sikh challenge in the Punjab has dissipated.

找出灯泡所虚耗的电功率。Find the electrical power dissipated in the lamp.

我不想再停留在那流利浪荡的空间中了。I do not want to stay in that space of fluency dissipated.

转换来的所有能量都耗散在电源内部。All of the energy converted is dissipated within the source.

于是,皮埃尔的原来要想成为一个单身汉的诺言很快地消散了。Pierre’s old promise to remain a bachelor dissipated quickly.

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就像擦肩而过的人影,一晃,便在视线中消散了。As the shadows pass by, a flash, then in the sight dissipated.

发财之后,他们过着荒淫无耻的生活。Having made a fortune, they let a dissipated and unashamed life.

不过那些乌云不久就退去了,像是一层烟,或者是静电光。But the gray clouds, like visual static or smoke, soon dissipated.

至少要等那些青少年们尖叫的回声消散之后再去看。At least then the echoes of screaming teenagers will have dissipated.

薄靶中所可能散逸的功率是有限的。The amount of power that can be dissipated in a thin target is limited.

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热量传递曲轴箱并散发热量。This heat is transferred to the crankcase. Here the heat is dissipated.

由于它的高温吸收能力,PCM可吸收电池散发出的热能。Due to its high heat capacity, PCM absorbs the heat dissipated by the battery.

从此刻开始,以我的理解,我的难于理解永久的不会再存在了。From now on my apprehension of not being understandable dissipated irretrievably!