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恩,都是很有意义的事情。Yeah, there are significative things.

我想那将非常有意义。I think that must be very significative.

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得到了一些有意义的结论。Some significative conclusions were obtained.

因此在知识表示中引进RDF技术是十分有意义的。Therefore, introducing RDF into KP is very significative.

报道了一些有意义的实验研究结果。Some significative results of experimental study were reported.

这对散裂反应的实际应用非常有意义。That is very significative for the applications of the spallation reactions.

城乡一体化在这种半城市化地区推行则更具有实际意义。To facilitate the rural-urban integration in peri-urban is more significative.

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这对于研究逼近曲线曲面的光滑性是很有意义的。It is significative for the smooth property of approximating curves and surfaces.

“泛雕塑”作为一种艺术概念来看,是具有当代社会意识,以及方法论意义的。As a conception of Pan Sculpture, it is with significative and methodology meanings.

因此,对特征的混合语料库研究是有现实意义的。So the study of emotional feature extraction based on merge-database is significative.

这些辑佚与辨误,对于晁补之的作品及全宋诗、文、词的整理都具有很大的价值和意义。This is a very significative and valuable task about coordinating the works of ChaoBuzhi.

这是期待,我应该完成的一些事情我可以做一个有意义的春节。It is expectable that I should finish some thing I can do for a significative spring festival.

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因此,研究大体积混凝土表面保温板的保温效果是很有意义的。So researching the heat preservation effect of concrete surface heated board is significative.

因此,对阻击式防空体系的作战能力进行评估具有重要的意义。So it is significative to evaluate combat capability of Interceptive aerial defence weapons system-of-systems.

金融功能观提供了一个考察农村金融发展状况的有意义的视角。The financial functional view provides us a significative view of reviewing rural financial development status.

糖果公主依然愿意用自己的文化底蕴为中国做有意义的事。Candied Princess still would like to use my profound culture to do something to do something significative for China.

与此同时,对其他流程行业车间成本管理系统的开发也具有一定的参考价值。At the same time, this system is significative to other flowing enterprise in cost management and system exploitation.

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通过推导电压外环环路增益表达式,提出了一种有意义的电压环路补偿方法,并给出它的验证结果。And a significative method of voltage loop compensation is proposed through the derivation of loop gain of voltage loop.

胶原-磷酸钙复合物是最有应用前景的骨组织工程框架材料。Compound of collagen-calcium phosphate is one of the most significative frame material using in bone tissue engineering.

也许,真正有意义的话题是,诗歌如何赋予匮乏的时代以启示或意义。Perhaps, it is the significative subject truely how the poetry endows significance or enlightenment to the scarce times.