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珍妮默不作声地开始了她的工作。Jennie fell to her task in silence.

“好的,雷斯脱,”珍妮柔顺地说。”"I will, Lester, " said Jennie submissively.

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珍妮走上前,伸出她的手,面色赤红。Jennie came forward , extending her hand and blushing.

詹妮对凯瑟琳的马术很欣赏。Jennie was very complimentary about Catherine's riding.

上星期日汤姆在公园中偶然遇见珍妮。Tom happened to run across Jennie in the park last Sunday.

随后这位罗密欧又补充道,“希望这能让珍妮乐上好一阵子吧。”Then Romeo adds, "Hopefully, this will satisfy Jennie for a while.

他因跟珍妮同居日久,已经什么事都大意了。His long period of association with Jennie had made him incautious.

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詹妮和哈里斯·莱文在20世纪90年代早期搬进这栋建筑。Jennie and Harris Levine moved into the building in the early 1890s.

珍妮激动得又哭又叫,反反复复地说了好多声“我爱你……”,最后终于说“我愿意。”After tears and shrieks and lots of "I love you's, " Jennie said yes.

至于雷斯脱曾把珍妮叫来的事,并没有人告诉她,甘家也都没有人知道。No one told her that he had sent for Jennie. The Kane family did not know.

克里斯和詹妮开始互发电子邮件,最后终于出去约会。Chris and Jennie began e-mailing each other, and eventually went out on a date.

珍妮带着掩饰不掉的颤抖接过那张报纸,走进隔壁房间。Jennie took the paper with but ill-concealed trembling, and went into the adjoining room.

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珍妮一见棺材,登时觉得浑身僵硬,仿佛神经通过电流一般。Jennie stiffened perceptibly , her nerves responding as though to a shock from an electric current.

我最喜欢的内战故事之一,是詹尼·霍杰斯的,战场上,她化名阿伯特·卡絮儿。One of my favorite stories of the Civil War era is of Jennie Hodgers, and she fought as Albert Cashier.

“请你今天晚上不要问我吧,”珍妮说了这一句,才止住了他那些令人难堪的问题。"Please don't ask me to-night, " Jennie had said, which put an end to the sharpest form of his queries.

安置味丝搭的一切手续办妥之后,珍妮就安定下来,过着日常的家庭生活。The details of getting Vesta established once adjusted, Jennie settled down into the routine of home life.

她也跟当初珍妮一样,佩服他在烦恼面前那种强硬、坚决而漠然的态度。She admired, as Jennie had, his solid, determined, phlegmatic attitude in the face of troubled circumstance.

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来自工会的詹妮·福恩比表示,应该通过立法阻止卡夫此举。Jennie Formby from the union Unite said legislation should be changed to prevent Kraft from making such a move.

她当然很聪明,忒修斯的情爱史她全都了解,可是这会儿信息太多,一时反应不过来了。Jennie is a smart person, smart enough to know all about Theseus' love life, but this was information overload.

珍妮远远就看见来人是谁,慌慌张张的走出穿堂,反手将门带上。Jennie came, and seeing who the visitor was, she stepped nervously out in the hall and closed the door after her.