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新月会与掌管艺术的海王星相会。That new moon will conjoin Neptune, the planet of the arts.

届时水星将结合木星,产生可爱的影响力。On those days Mercury will conjoin Jupiter, a lovely influence.

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下一个需要注意的日子是3月7日星期天,那时水星将会连结木星。The next big day to watch will be Sunday, March 7, when Mercury will conjoin Jupiter.

复考察其主体与附加体之结合型态,综为十三类。After researching the conjoin styles of Main and Sub, I deduce them into 13 categories.

你将会看到可喜的结果。这次满月将会激发你丰富的想象力。This full moon will conjoin your ruler, Neptune, the planet that inspires a rich imagination.

二天之后,太阳和天王星将会在带来更未预料到的事件的双鱼座结合。Two days later, the Sun and Uranus will conjoin in Pisces bringing even more unanticipated events.

火星将会联合满月,所以你看起来比较焦急于做出决定,但是如果那样的话,不要匆忙制定细节。Mars will conjoin that moon, so you seem anxious to make up your mind, but if so, don't rush the details.

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利用这股能量和他好好谈谈如何更进一步地将你俩的生活融合到一起。Capitalize on that energy and initiate discussions about how the two of you may further conjoin your lives.

同时,金星和海王星的联合将会产生最具魅力和最浪漫的影响。Simultaneously, Venus will conjoin with Neptune, which is one of the most glamorous and romantic aspects possible.

五月底,木星、海王星和凯龙星将在26等的宝瓶座相遇,所以对的事业影响更为庞大。And by the end of May it becomes super-huge because Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin at 26 degrees Aquarius.

五月底,木星、海王星和凯龙星将在26等的宝瓶座相遇,所以对的事业影响更为庞大。And by the end of May it turns super-huge because Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin in the 26 degrees Aquarius.

唉,再接下来的一个星期,人际关系上的麻烦事会接踵而至。Alas, more relationship turbulence will come up a week later, on Friday September 12, when Uranus in Pisces will conjoin the Sun in Virgo.

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五月底,木星、海王星和凯龙星将在26等的宝瓶座相遇,所以对的事业影响更为庞大。And by the end of May it results in being super-huge because Chiron, Jupiter some kind ofd Neptune will all conjoin at 26 degrees Aquarius.

我们知道演化确实发生过,因为科学中各式各样的领域提供了无数的素材,结合起来描绘出多采多姿的生命演化图像。We know evolution happened because innumerable bits of data from myriad fields of science conjoin to paint a rich portrait of life's pilgrimage.

详细讨论了EP1K30TC144-3的管脚功能以及该芯片最小系统的构成,还介绍了下载线的原理和电路连接方法。It discusses the composing and the pins' function of EP1K30TC144-3 in detail, and also introduces the principle of download-line and tells how to conjoin the electric circuit.

本来已经在经历天王对冲太阳了,而周五,又多了个满月合上天王星,毫无疑问,有会变得不可预测并且很难相处。While on Friday you will have experienced Uranus opposition the Sun, now you will have volatile Uranus conjoin the full moon. No doubt about it, someone will be very unpredictable and difficult.

葡萄园的建造特点是强调建筑的原材料,例如钢铁、水泥和丛生的松树,它们结合了新的建筑和老建筑物的残留。The production character of a vineyard is highlighted by the rather raw materials like steel, cement, and cluster pine, which conjoin the new architecture with the old remainders of the building.

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第三,为了确保战略的实施,XY公司需要结合公司的实际情况努力在技术、资金、管理等方面建立起与企业战略相适应的运行机制和环境。Thirdly, in order to ensure the implementation of the strategy, XY Company need conjoin the situation in the reality to set up relevant system and environment in technology, capital and management.