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哦,我忘记告诉你一件细小的事情了。Oops, I forgot to mention one teeny wittle item.

事实上,这对中石油来说是一笔很小的交易。In fact this is a teeny tiny deal for Petrochina.

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没有什么比这小的不得了的半透明的脚丫更令人惊讶的了......Is there nothing more amazing than those teeny tiny translucent feet.

对,那只是一点点压力,但这压力并没有减少的迹象。Yes, that's just a teeny bit of pressure. And there's no sign of its letting up.

如果在这点上犯一个哪怕微小的错误,我就会被你们撕成碎片。It was just one, small, teeny mistake and everyone tore me to pieces! Give us a break!

龙琦回他一个微笑,凤羽的心中却是微微一缩。Long Qi returns him a laugh, in the heart of Feng plume yet namely teeny tiny a shorten.

但是私底下,如果你带他去的是“茹丝葵”,他会高兴地发疯的,就算你只带他去一次。But secretly he'll freak out if you take him to Ruth's Chris, even just the one teeny time.

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那末这些小小猪作为宠物的引人之处到底在哪儿呢?“大伙喜欢他们,不光是他们的小脸说不出的逗人喜爱。So what is the appeal of a teeny tiny piggie for a pet? 'People love them, ' says Croft. 'Not.

“他现在在哪里?”想到有可能是那个少年,杨戬便微微激动。"Where is he immediately?"Thought of to probably is that teens, Yang Jian then teeny concussion.

很多大城市现在都流行所谓的豆荚旅馆--出租空间狭小的微型房间。Many major cities now have so-called pod hotels — places that rent a teeny room for a tiny price.

如今你几乎能够找到任何小马驹的种类,包括热带小马,超级微小的小马驹或者其他品种。Now you can find almost any type of pony including Tropical Ponies, Teeny Tiny Ponies and many more.

江梓笙话更少,只是微微点了点下巴,率先转身向里走去。River Zi dulcimer the words are fewer, just a little bit teeny point chin, above all to turn circular to in walk.

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豆荚旅馆。很多大城市现在都流行所谓的豆荚旅馆--出租空间狭小的微型房间。Be a pod person. Many major cities now have so-called pod hotels — places that rent a teeny room for a tiny price.

刘零星头上现出微汗来,这一个决定还是让他下了极大的决心和赌注。Liu piecemeal pate up arise teeny sweat, this decides to still keep allowing him to descend a tremendous decision and bet.

其实小摄像头很容易获取而且价格也相对便宜,你完全可以把它放在任何东西中,泰迪熊、火警报警器,哪个都行。Teeny tiny cameras are widely available and relatively affordable. You can put them in anything -- from a teddy bear to a smoke alarm.

路特说,“这一幅图使我们能够初窥核孔是如何发挥作用的,但是我们希望进行更多的研究。"It's a map that's given us a teeny bit of insight into how the nuclear pore functions, but we want to do much more work, " Rout says.

看着你在悠悠醒转时踢腿、蠕动、伸伸小胳膊小腿,皱皱小脸,然后嚎啕大哭,我依然感到惊奇万分。I still feel a sense of wonder as you kick and squirm upon waking—as you stretch your teeny -tiny limbs, wrinkle your little face, and cry.

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所以如果你确实是在微观管理,哪怕是纤若毫厘的程度,退回一步,仔细而长远地看看,你会发现它是深层次问题的标志。So if you're micromanaging at all, even the teeny tiniest little bit, step back and take a long, hard look. It's a sign of deeper problems.

反对者也宣称把这个小岩石和其他大家伙归在一起实在是太可笑了。And there are other people who said look, it's ridiculous to include this teeny -tiny little rock, you know, along with the other big things.

最终,在多次的筛选和混合之后,艾德发现了油酸——只是极小的一滴——就是所有蚂蚁闻了就会认为“死亡”的物质。Finally, after much sifting and mixing, Ed discovered that oleic acid — just a teeny drop of it — was all the ants had to sniff to think "DEAD!"