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爱德华转向罗莎莉。Edward turned to Rosalie.

金发的女孩,那是罗莎莉。The blond girl, that's Rosalie.

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他和罗莎莉长得很像。He and Rosalie look a lot alike.

我知道罗莎莉想要保留她自己原本的姓氏。I understand that Rosalie likes to keep her own last name.

你觉得罗莎莉会更倾向于认为是哪一种呢?Which way do you think Rosalie would prefer to look at it?

那是爱德华和艾美特·卡伦兄弟,还有罗莎莉和贾斯帕·黑尔姐弟。That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale.

爱德华完全不关心罗莎莉看起来怎样。Edward just doesn't pay that much attention to how Rosalie looks.

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所以说罗莎莉比爱丽丝更加关心自己的外表。So Rosalie is much more concerned about her appearance than Alice.

他看向别处,就好像她根本没说话一样,就像是她根本不存在一样。He looked away from Rosalie as if she hadn't spoken, as if she didn't exist.

看,罗莎莉想要埃美特,因此她强迫不情愿的卡莱尔去改变他。See, Rosalie wanted Emmett, so she forced an unwilling Carlisle to change him.

那位金发女孩,她叫罗莎莉,那个大个子黑发男孩,他俩就是一对。The blonde girl that's Rosalie and the big dark-haired guy Emmett they're like a thing.

突然间我意识到罗莎莉一点都不喜欢贝拉,然后我就彻底地“抓住”她了。Suddenly I realized that Rosalie didn't like Bella at all, and then I completely "got" her.

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在草稿中罗莎莉和贝拉之间是没有任何问题的——同时也没有什么突出的性格特征。Rosalie didn't have any problem with Bella in the rough draft–or much of a personality, either.

丽莎的母亲名叫做罗莎莉,我们已打算把我们未曾谋面的女孩取名为罗莉莎。Rosalie was Lisa’s mother’s name, and that was what we had been planning to call the girl we never had.

但是当罗莎莉为了埃美特而求他时,他让步了,希望她的选择能为她找到属于自己的幸福。But when Rosalie begged for Emmett, he gave in, hoping that she would find some happiness with her choice.

他们现在是,贾斯帕和罗莎莉都是十八岁,但他们和卡伦太太一起生活时才八岁。They are now, Jasper and Rosalie are both eighteen, but they've been with Mrs. Cullen since they were eight.

罗莎莉带来的是她的“固执”,这对于你的,呃…吸血鬼生命来讲,看起来是个很糟糕的天赋啊。Rosalie brought her 'tenacity', which I think seems to be sort of asuckish gift to bring into your, um, vampire life.

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在某种程度上罗莎莉和埃美特会被认为是最肤浅的,因为他们的关系是建立在彼此强烈的身体吸引上。Rosalie and Emmett's might be seen as the most superficial in a way, because their relationship is so intensely physical.

全世界最重女子与甩肉最多的纪录保持人萝赛莉.布雷福德已逝世。她享年63。Rosalie Bradford, who held records for being the world's heaviest woman and for losing the most weight, has died. She was 63.

罗莎莉之所以会成为一个如此美丽的吸血鬼的原因是因为当她还是人类时就已经是罗彻斯特里最美丽的,甚至是全省最美丽的女孩。The reason Rosalie is such a beautiful vampire is because she was the most beautiful girl in Rochester, New York when she was human.