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黑色班驳的嘴。Black mottled mouth.

一个斑驳又破碎的梦境。A mottled and broken dreams.

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如题,肯为人民服务的可以申请斑竹!Can I be the mottled bamboo?

斑驳的渔船在海上行进。The mottled fishing boats move along.

当你班驳熟悉的退路。When you mottled familiar escape route.

一种绿色的金绿宝石,用作宝石。A mottled green rock composed of diabase.

尽管古柏树身斑斑驳驳。Although the body of the tree is mottled.

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陈旧古老的寺庙,斑驳残破的神像。Archaic temples, mottled wreck of the gods.

花斑动物有花斑或斑点的皮或毛皮的动物。An animal with a mottled or spotted skin or coat.

月光下的树影斑驳了多久时间。Under the mottled shade of the moon how long time.

氟牙症和龋齿的病情呈反比关系。Dental caries and mottled enamel are inverse ratio.

他窘迫得脸上红一块白一块。His face was mottled red and white with embarrassment.

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这幅湘竹画得十分逼真。This painting of mottled bamboos is really true to life.

衬托着人像背后的斑驳墙垣上,一个很大的圆圈,轮廓分明。There was distinctly a big round hole in the mottled wall.

因为斑竹为网一尽心尽力做了很多事,却没有获取任何一点回报。Because mottled bamboos did much for W. Y. T but access nothing.

氟牙症的病情与性别无关而与年龄有关。Mottled enamel has nothing to do with sex but has relation with the age.

后来,我成了斑竹,可以帮他一起管理了。Later, I was the "mottled bamboo", who can manage the things in the iciba.

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爷爷在院子里专门辟出一片空地种植湘竹。My grandfather cleared a patch of land in the yard to grow mottled bamboo.

我的心如班驳的城墙大片脱落露出狰狞的隐晦。My heart is like the mottled walls large shedding bared ferocious obscure.

看樱花满天,悲伤在流转,却掩不住斑驳的流年。See cherry blossoms sky, sad in circulation, but conceal mottled fleeting.