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一个探测沙门氏菌的纳米生物传感器A nanotechnology biosensor for Salmonella detection

默克尔告诉我,我不希望纳米技术进化。Merkle told me, I don't want nanotechnology to evolve.

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纳米材料的制备是纳米科学发展的基础。Preparation of nanomaterials is the basis of the nanotechnology.

该文章是卫生领域的纳米技术专题聚焦的一部分。This article is part of a spotlight on Nanotechnology for health.

把药物送入大脑的一个新的方法可能会是纳米技术。One new way to sneak meds past the barrier might be nanotechnology.

应用纳米技术开发新型面料是服装面料发展的一个新方向。The nanotechnology will be a new way for costume fabric development.

但是,有批评家指出纳米技术存在固有风险。But critics point out that there are risks inherent in nanotechnology.

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一种更为普遍的观点是,纳米技术正在进行着健康领域的革命。On a more general note, nanotechnology is revolutionizing the health world.

纳米技术是关于分子或亚原子层次上的材料科学。Nanotechnology is the science of materials at the molecular or subatomic level.

其中纳米粉体的制备是纳米科技的重要研究内容之一。Preparation of nano-powder of which is an important research nanotechnology one.

其主要应用方向包括考古学、生物学、医药、纳米技术等等。Main directions are represented by archeology biology medicine nanotechnology etc.

联系加州洛杉矶专门研究纳米技术的毒理学家。Contact the toxicologist in Los Angeles Californiawho specializes in nanotechnology.

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在那些精心布置的展品中,甚至连提及纳米技术的标签都少之又少。There were few signs among the elaborate displays that even mentioned nanotechnology.

但是大致上,工作地点蒸馏器的奈米技术的研究是在它的未成年中。But on the whole, the study of nanotechnology in the workplace is still in its infancy.

我们也需要鼓励诸如免疫学、甚至是纳米技术等其它领域的科学家参与。We need to encourage scientists from other areas, such as immunology, even nanotechnology.

奈米电池的开发缘起于贝尔实验室先前进军奈米科技的行动。The genesis of the nanobattery springs from an earlier Bell Labs foray into nanotechnology.

神奇的宇天能“楚田TN863”纳米功能,具有自动靶向奇异功能。Magic Yutianeng "Chutian TN863" nanotechnology has a fantastic automatic targeting function.

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我们也许会因战争而毁灭了自己或者由于纳米技术而无意识地摧毁了这颗星球。We might destroy ourselves with warfare or unwittingly ravage the planet with nanotechnology.

纳米营养物的制备是纳米技术在食品工业中应用的研究热点之一。The production of nano-nutraceuticals is a hot application of nanotechnology in food industry.

细胞和纳米技术的研究已经可以提供复活这些组织的可能性。And stem cell and nanotechnology research offer real possibilities for the reanimation of tissue.