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这本书是英国的。The book is British.

但我们是英国牌子,But we're all British.

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这是一个英国的术语。This is a British term.

什么是英国猪肉球?What is a British faggot?

我现在可是英国人了!Woo-hoo – I'm British now!

不,他说他是个英国人。No, he said he was British.

你在英国军队里。You're in the British Army.

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英国诗人雪莱。P. B. Shelley, British poet.

英国诗人彭斯.R。Robbert Burns, British poet.

你系我哋英国嘅孩子!You are our British children!

英国诗人丁尼生,A。Alfred Tennyson, British poet.

他是地地道道的英国人。He is british to the backbone.

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这条船行驶在英国的海疆里。The ship is in British waters.

你喜欢英国文学吗?Do you like British literature?

英国的宫廷在伦敦。The British court is in London.

贵族院就是英国议会的上院。House of the British Parliament.

英国队得了亚军。The British team came in second.

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这是英国最边远的岛屿了。No British island is more remote.

这个师是英国的一支精锐部队。This is a crack British division.

交一个英国的电话朋友。Try to get a British phone-buddy!