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爸爸和我都狂笑起来。Dad and I guffaw at the same time.

他的话引起大家一阵轰笑。What he said aroused a blast of guffaw.

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他的话引起大家一阵哄笑。What he said aroused a blast of guffaw.

他的话引起大家一阵哄笑。All the boys burst out into a guffaw at the joke.

没人笑得出来,轻笑、窃笑和哄笑都没有。No one laughed, Qing Xiao, laughing and do not guffaw.

男人和女人会为一个差劲的笑话大笑。Men and women alike can guffaw at how pathetic our last joke was.

售货员笑着说,为了我的天线,我能够在任何时间赶过去。I could come by any time for my antennas, the salesman said with a guffaw.

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“对不起,但那是我不会做的事之一!”他嘲讽地说,引发一阵大笑。Sorry, but that's one thing I cannot do! ' he quipped, bursting into a guffaw.

大家一见小丑那种滑稽样子,立刻哄堂大笑。The crowd laugh an guffaw as soon as they see the ridiculous manner of the buffoon.

大家一见小丑那种滑稽样子立刻哄堂大笑。The crowd laugh and guffaw as soon as they see the ridiculous manner of the buffoon.

我习惯了现在这个波澜不惊的自己,曾经的恣意狂笑放到了背后里。I used to own now in this placid, once placed in the back of the wanton guffaw inside.

只要有人说“不准笑”,你会马上开始偷笑或窃笑。As soon as someone says "don't laugh, " you're immediate inclination is to either snicker or guffaw.

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男人和女人会为一个差劲的笑话大笑。男人差劲的笑话只会使得男人显得没面子。Men and women alike can guffaw at how pathetic our last joke was. Your dumb jokes just make you pathetic.

我继承了他的笑声,那种会在餐馆里引人注目以及把猫吓跑的大笑。I inherited his laugh, the same big guffaw that can turn heads in a restaurant and send cats running from the room.

吹响集结号的是这个班的班长,教导员身边的一个通讯员,因为年龄小,他的出场引大家一片哄笑。Sounded the assembly is the monitor of the class, the instructor around a correspondent, because of age, he is play a guffaw.

他牙齿有点褐色,来自早期林区的疏忽,但你是决不会提及的,以至他张开大嘴对戏谑狂笑。His teeth were a little brown, from early backwoods neglect, but you never noticed that and he opened his mouth wide to guffaw at jokes.

耶普森认为,希拉里在访谈节目中被主流媒体提到的一个不足之处是在她被问到"棘手问题"时,"勉强发出的大笑"。According to Yepsen, Clinton's one flaw on the shows, picked up by the mainstream media, was her "forced guffaw" when asked to respond to "tough questions."

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但是因为大笑很难维持,一次狂笑不可能像比如走路或者慢跑那样对心血管功能产生显著的益处。But because hard laughter is difficult to sustain, a good guffaw is unlikely to have measurable cardiovascular benefits the way, say, walking or ­jogging does.

之后,他们像捆腊肠一样地把我们捆起来,连一句话都不跟我们说就把我们往峡谷下放,但常停下来喝口酒,骂几句,哄堂大笑。After that, they tied us up like salami and lowered us down to the valley without talking to us but stopping often to drink, and curse, and guffaw among themselves.

大笑时每个人可能会有不同的声音或表情,笑的强度也不同,而且具有不同的幽默感,但人类大脑发出的指令都会被准确服从。People may make different noises and faces, laugh at different intensities, and have a different sense of humor, but the commands human brains give out during a guffaw are a recipe followed precisely.