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瑞姆于是就将调查员加为了好友。Rehmund then ‘friended’ the investigator.

他们的青年科学家基金项目发展了我的事业。Their Young Investigator grant shaped my career.

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威斯土森博士说道,他是这一科研项目的领头人。Mark Westhusin, who was lead investigator on the project.

营养学传授巴里·坡普金是主要的调查者。Nutrition professor Barry Popkin was the lead investigator.

我也是一个实地调查的MUFON兼职的基础上。I am also a field investigator for MUFON on a part time basis.

调查员发现了与案件有关的新线索。The investigator was able to uncover new facts about the case.

巴利欧斯先生是一位历史学家,人类学家和研究者。Mr. Barrios is a historian, an anthropologist and investigator.

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我还联系了一个隐私调查侦探帮我寻找我所调查的私密信息。I contacted a private investigator for tips on my investigation.

我报名参加网络学校想成为私家审查员。I enrolled in an online school to become a private investigator.

调查员提出了分步计划的独立研究逐步由。Investigator presents a step-by-step plan for independent study.

一个有前途的的游击手是怎么成为一个犯罪现场调查员的?。How does a potential shortstop become a crime scene investigator?

当他们的私家侦探去找德牧对质时,那个“未婚夫”采用回避的态度。When their investigator confronted him, the "fiance" stonewalled.

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研究者可以申请专利或者把构想卖给其他人。The investigator could patent it or sell the idea to somebody else.

目前在市场调研公司做电话调研员。Currently work as a online investigator in a market research company.

除此之外,你还可以开个人的私家侦探机构。Alternatively, you can always open your own private investigator business.

Caligiuri说,该项研究的主要调查员兼OSUCCC主任。Caligiuri, principal investigator of the study and director of the OSUCCC.

最后法务部一位女调查官出面解救这个困境。Finally, a female investigator from the Ministry of Justice saved the day.

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他是省里派来的调研员,一定要好好招待。He is an investigator sent by the provincial government. We must treat him well.

天海萤是一名利用法律知识和诱人身段作武器的女侦探。Hotaru Amami is a female investigator who has wisdom of law and a beautiful figure.

虽然佛洛伊德是研究者及解释者,阿德勒主要是教育家。Whereas Freud is the investigator and interpreter, Adler is primarily the educator.