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这你可难不倒我。You can't baffle me.

新税收法律使我很费解。The new tariff statutes baffle me.

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有时候作出的决定使我困惑甚至愤怒。Sometimes the decisions baffle and enrage me.

最让父母挠头的孩子提问前20名Top 20 children's questions which baffle parents

图片中的吸管一定会让大家感到困惑。Here is something that is bound to baffle anyone.

气动隔膜泵上墨,上墨清洗方便。Pheumatic each baffle pump, to ink, Ink is handy.

同样的,那块石头自己,也不会忽然间跳起来跟你为难。Also, the stone itself will not jump up to baffle you.

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松开拉绳挡板就可自动弹回。Loosen the pull rope can be automatically rebound baffle.

由送球器、锁紧座、挡板组成。It comprises setting-ball carrier, latch collar and baffle.

令人吃惊的是,这将会迷惑大多数机器人的瞄准方法。Surprisingly, this will baffle most robots' targeting methods.

警方被难住了,于是请福尔摩斯前来侦查。The police is baffle and sherlock holm is call in to investigate.

生活充满了令人困惑的疑问,我们只能继续前行。Life is rife with questions that baffle. All we can do is carry on.

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以回收松木板材搭建的墙体将卫生间与外侧空间划分开来。Recycled cypress slat walls baffle foyer space from the rest rooms.

墙上现在覆盖了新的椴木饰面隔音板。The walls are now clad with new baffle walls with a limewood veneer.

气体分馏装置的脱乙烷塔底设有隔板,将塔釜分为两个空间。The bottom of LPG fractionator is separated into two spaces by baffle.

挡板—是一种改变物质到设定方向的一种装置。Baffle — a device used to deflect material flow in a desired direction.

越杰脑子时里冒出来的问题常常是连我们大人都没办法解答的。The questions that come out his mind often completely baffle us adults.

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在样品前面有25个同位相的扬声器装在一个障板上。In front of the sample there are 25 loudspeakers in phase, on one baffle.

本文设计了一种新型的离散障板稀疏圆柱基阵。A nwe kind of thinned cylinder array with discrete baffle has been designed.

环室中装有五个或更多个搅拌机和一个径向折流板。Annulus is equipped with five or more agitators and a partial radial baffle.