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提供积极的加强推进效应。Provide positive reinforcement.

二灰桩在软土路基加固中的应用?。Application of Two-Ash Pile for Reinforcement?

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菊花链与Hypalon前面吗?强化浸染。Front daisy chain with Hypalon? reinforcement.

负强化只是奖励的一种形式而已。Negative reinforcement is just a type of reward.

将军将增援部队投入这个战役中。The general threw reinforcement into the battle.

正强化激励个人成长。Positive reinforcement encourages individual growth.

以后历代君王几乎都加固增修长城。Later kings almost reinforcement build the Great Wall.

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强化可以是内在的、外在的或无关的。Reinforcement can be intrinsic, extrinsic or extraneous.

病险水库除险加固工程。Seepage prevention and reinforcement for unsafe reservoirs.

强化会导致人们行为反应概率的增加。Reinforcement is something that makes the behavior increase.

实践证明加固补强是成功的。The practice indicates that the reinforcement is successful.

下封头上开有84个管壁加强孔。There are altogether 84 pipe reinforcement holes on the head.

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钢筋布置必须按照8.10中给出的规定。Reinforcement detailing should follow the rules given in 8.10.

所有次要加固搭接可重叠在同一个位置。All secondary reinforcement may be lapped at the same location.

适用于做玻璃钢和防腐工程的增强材料。Applicable to corrosion of steel and glass reinforcement works.

采用锚喷混凝土技术加固洛河大桥。Luo River Bridge Reinforcement by Anchor Jetting Concrete Tech.

用4个螺椿将加固托架固定在车架梁上。Reinforcement brackets are retained on frame sills with 4 studs.

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自力救济是一种强化民事权利保护的法律制度。Self-help is the legal reinforcement to protect the civil right.

这种烘衬是对奇石主题的提醒和强化。The carbonado line is reminded of stone theme and reinforcement.

研究了聚丙烯纤维对灰泥的增强作用。The reinforcement of stucco with polypropylene fiber is studied.