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它是一条小猎狗,眼睛亮亮的。It was a little bright-eyed terrier.

斯塔福郡斗牛梗是一种短毛狗。The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a smooth-coated dog.

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今年“狗狗秀”的得胜者是一只名叫“卢夫斯”的牛头梗狗。This year's " Best is Show "was " Rufus", a bull terrier.

一只叫特里的凯恩梗狗饰演了小狗托托。A Cairn terrier called Terry played the role of the dog Toto.

黑俄罗斯梗是一种精力充沛的大型力量型犬。The Black Russian Terrier is a robust, large and powerful dog.

1984年,密西博士在狩猎犬组里开始了他的裁判生涯。Dr. Mincey began his judging career in 1984 with the Terrier Group.

例如,一条叫做Oweny的邋遢混种小犬,刚刚为自己争取到登上美国邮政服务邮票的机会。A scruffy mixed terrier named Owney, for instance. He just got his own U. S.

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市徽饭店里,赖尔登老太太正带着她那条饥肠辘辘的斯凯更狗。Old Mrs Riordan with the rumbling stomach's Skye terrier in the City Arms hotel.

英国黑泽住宅区里,一只小猎狗盯着一只坐在窗户上的暹罗猫。A terrier eyes a Siamese cat sitting in the window of a Blackpool, England, home.

她也有三条狗——一条狮子狗、一条金毛猎犬和一条杰克罗素梗犬。She also has three dogs — a poodle, a golden retriever and a Jack Russell terrier.

就脑袋的大体尺寸来说,我的样本中的最强壮的是美国比特斗牛梗。The strongest dog for its overall size in my sample was the American Pit Bull Terrier.

卡特利奇,乔,凯瑟琳和欧文。完整说明西部高地白色小猎犬。Cartledge joe and catherine owen. the complete illustrated west highland white terrier.

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若听到不连续的“梗梗”的声,可能是轴承钢圈破裂。If heard discontinuous "terrier infarction" sound, the likelihood is bearing rims rupture.

大型猫科动物和狼看上去多么可爱,多像喜欢睡在你的沙发上的加菲猫和小狗狗的放大版本。Big cats or wolves seem like scaled-up versions of the tabby or terrier sleeping on your sofa.

品种的名字在1972年1月1日被校正了为美国斯塔福郡梗。The name of the breed was revised effective January 1, 1972 to American Staffordshire Terrier.

副总统丹.奎尔说他打算担任竞选中的“牛头犬”。Vice President Dan Quayle said he intended to be the pit bull terrier of the election campaign.

威尔士梗是一种结构坚实、紧凑、笃实的中型犬,长有粗糙不平的刚毛。The Welsh Terrier is a sturdy, compact, rugged dog of medium size with a coarse wire-textured coat.

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如果你有时间来你新克夏灐或马耳他然后将这一切手段繁殖。If you have the time to come your new Yorkshire Terrier or Maltese then by all means get this breed.

几年前在我们的百慕大浮潜之旅时,我们遇到了一只名叫莱克斯的小猎犬,它喜欢找岩石。On a snorkeling trip in Bermuda a few years ago, we met a terrier named Lexi who liked to fetch rocks.

眼黑变病是一种犬类中仅见于凯恩梗的眼科疾病。Ocular Melanosis is a disease of the eye which in dogs is almost found exclusively in the Cairn Terrier.