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你是个懒鬼。You're a slacker.

你觉得我是个懒鬼?You think I'm a slacker?

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不要指望一个敷衍塞责的人来帮你。Don't count on a slacker to help.

拉丁语系国家的男性比北欧国家的男性更加懒散。Latin men are slacker than Nordics.

这使得你的老板看起来像个不称职的懒虫。It makes your boss look like an incompetent slacker.

Slacker在很多方面都和Pandora、Last.fm差不多。In most respects, Slacker is similar to both Pandora and

我是一个计较机懒鬼——无力抗拒网络的诱惑。I am a cyber slacker — powerless to resist the draw of the internet.

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Slacker是专注于移动电话的几家流式媒体公司之一。Slacker is one of several streaming audio companies focused on the mobile phone.

传统的思维观念告诉你你只能在刻苦族和懒人族之间任选其一,然后你就选了,那么你就变成那两种了。Conventional wisdom says you have to choose between being a grind and a slacker. And that’s that.

“我们想把自己的日子过的消遥自在,”费蛇耳说。“我们做的是懒鬼工作。”"We choose to think of ourselves as emancipated , " Fisher said. "We're working our way up to slacker. "

我觉得我需要帮助。我是一个计较机懒鬼——无力抗拒网络的诱惑。而且这样的人不止我一个。I think I need help. I am a cyber slacker — powerless to resist the draw of the internet. And it's not just me.

Slacker的优点之一就是提供了更多的电台定制功能。One advantage of Slacker over its competitors is that it gives you more options to directly customize your stations.

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幸运的是,这两个懒蛋子哥们不但把门票搞定了,而且马丁内兹屁股后还有1万元呢。Not only were his two slacker buddies hooked up, but Martinez was walking around with ten thousand dollars in his back pocket.

今天我上班的时分和一个同事说,我的经理是个懒鬼,历来只是光说不练。Today, at work I was talking to a co-worker about what a slacker my manager was, and how all she did was stand around and talk.

图为索尼最新的触摸屏的X系列随身听,与上一个热点,并与应用程序的自由散漫的音乐获得完整的无线天线。Pictured here is Sony's newest touch-screen X-Series Walkman, complete with a wireless antenna for getting onto hot spots and free music with the Slacker app.

而这个亚蒂小子乃是中学里的懒鬼学生,要说服他回国做正经事当国王,简直比太阳从西边出来还困难。And this Rebagliati high school kid but the slacker students, to convince him to return to do the decent thing when the king, far better than the sun from the west is also difficult.

这个词语是“懒鬼”和“行动主义的”混合,是用来标志那些没有实际意义的行为,例如在网络上发起倡议书或者参加短期的联合抵制行动的人们。The word, a mix of "slacker" and "activism, " is used to label activities that have little practical effect, such as signing Internetpetitions and taking part in short-term boycotts.

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80年代后期,随着油价的下跌形式放缓了,平均燃油经济性标准一反常态地大幅放宽标准,将乘用车归入了轻卡的燃油标准。Respite came with the decline in oil prices from the late 1980s and an anomaly of the CAFE regulations that allowed passenger vehicles classed as light trucks a much slacker standard.

据可靠消息称,Volt重量将近4千磅,其发动机仅为1.4升,于是一些人猜测Volt在汽油驱动下将会变得出奇的慢。Sine the Volt weighs close to 4,000 pounds, according to a knowledgeable source, and the engine only displaces 1.4 liters, some have guessed the Volt would be a slacker under gasoline power.

这里有离婚后搬回去与父母同住的三四十岁的女人,住在船上靠微薄收入过活的懒散男演员,一个来自奥克兰企划的小孩等等。We've got the divorced mother in her late 30s who moves back in with her parents, the slacker artist guy getting by on minimal income on a houseboat, a kid from the Oakland projects, and so on.