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停止对过去犯下的错误的自责。Stop flogging yourself over mistakes over the past.

只要回忆起农民被鞭笞的事就叫我够受的了。It is enough for me to recall the flogging of peasants.

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任何唱这歌的动物都会当场受到鞭笞。Any animal caught singing it was given a flogging on the spot.

过去他们对行为不良的男人,狠狠抽打一顿。Back in the old day, they gave the ill-behaved man a flogging.

这是一种超前思维,但话说回来,她本来就是在推销预言。Forward-thinking stuff, but then, she was flogging prophecies.

我已经下了决心,不必再白费口舌了。I've already made up my mind. There's no sense flogging a dead horse.

大体上这个世界,特别是你的海上世界,是认可鞭刑的。The world in general, and even more your briny world, accepts flogging.

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没有什么比公开质询更能让人们站在你这一边。There is nothing like a public flogging to get the people on your side.

现在当地报纸可能在向一家通讯社大肆宣传你的详细情况。And right now, the local paper may be flogging your details to a news agency.

但这不过只比出售一些转瞬即逝的图像的新鲜行为稍稍欠缺了些魅力而已。This is just a less than charismatic new way of flogging a few ephemeral images.

他开始发出搞笑的声音,我也附和着大笑,就像白天电视节目里抨击可怕贷款广告的主持人一样。He is starting to sound, I laugh, like one of those adverts on daytime TV flogging dodgy loans.

你要吉姆借钱给你,这简直是痴心妄想,他的钱甚到不够他自己花呢。You're flogging a dead horse by asking Jim to lend you money-he hasn't even enough money for himself.

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如果综上所述,我听起来只是在出售FSUW的意识形态优点,那么你太有才了。Now if all that sounds as if I'm simply flogging the ideological merits of the FSUW, well, you're dead right.

每一条街道上面都有卖黑星旗的小贩,每一份报纸都在说加纳必须赢。Every major road is lined with hawkers flogging Black Star flags, and every newspaper tells why Ghana must win.

最后,也相当重要,高盛接受参议院质询占据了整整一周的头条。Last, but not least, the ongoing Goldman Sachs flogging before the Senate has been grabbing headlines all week.

想劝他接受新思想根本不可能,他决对是个老顽固。You are flogging a dead horse trying to persuade him to accept the new concepts-he is absolutely an old fossil.

当我认为一份构想已经很有说服力的提出来共大家欣赏以后,我就不想再去鞭打一匹死马一直到永远!Once an idea has been floated as convincingly as I think it needs to be, I don't want to go on flogging it forever!

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但是,近期塔利班的暴行,包括被其大肆宣扬地对一名少女的鞭笞,已使许多人相信有必要教训教训这些伊斯兰教徒。But recent Taliban excesses, including their well-publicised flogging of a teenage girl, have convinced many that the Islamists need pegging back.

如同你和我要获得巨大的利益一样,英国乐购,利德尔和消费合作社都坚决要把无价值蔬菜和有害水果的汁抽打出来。Tesco, Lidl and the Co-op are hellbent on flogging their valueless vegetables and their foul fruits to saps such as you and me for enormous profits.

9月,一名沙特阿拉伯妇女因违反驾驶禁条被处以鞭刑鞭打10次,好在最后被新上任的国王阿卜杜拉赦免并从此禁止了当众鞭刑。In September, a Saudi women sentenced to 10 lashes for defying the driving ban was only spared when King Abdullah stepped in to stop the public flogging.