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奈保尔是一位具有多重身份的移民作家。V. S. Naipaul is an immigrant writer.

义乌已成为一个新兴的移民城市。Yiwu has become a new immigrant city.

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深圳是中国最年轻的移民城市。Shenzhen is the youngest immigrant city.

他这一家是第一批法国移民的后裔。He is descended lineally from an immigrant.

父母中有一位是从墨西哥移民过来的,one of my parents is an immigrant from Mexico,

移民来的工人已归入外侨类。Immigrant workers were classed as resident aliens.

我来自移民家庭,是第一代移民。I'm from an immigrant family, first generation here.

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1839年,第一批运送移民的船只抵达菲利普港。The first immigrant ships arrived at Port Phillip in 1839.

SLC由三个德国移民家庭于1945年成立。SLC was founded in 1945 by three German immigrant families.

一个悬而未决的问题是如何定义“技术”移民。One unresolved issue is how to define a "skilled" immigrant.

利昂娜是墨西哥移民,在做家庭理疗师的工作。She was a Mexican immigrant who worked as a family therapist.

旅美作家严歌苓就是新移民作家中的佼佼者。Yan Geling is one of the distinguished new immigrant writers.

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我们的父母都是移民,我们的成长环境也相似。we all kind of had immigrant parents and had that growing up.

漂坛三公是每位新移民心目中奋斗的指标。Floating altar three is every new immigrant 's struggle index.

移民经济是世界经济中难得一见的亮点。Immigrant networks are a rare bright spark in the world economy.

宜兰是族群文化多元而复杂的移民社会。Ilan is an ethno-culturally diverse and complex immigrant society.

麦克斯韦街在移民传说中一直占有特殊的地位。Maxwell Street has long occupied a special place in immigrant lore.

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在中国,偷渡犯罪也像一场瘟疫,危害极深。In China, illegal immigrant endanger very deep, just like an epidemic.

如果发生在一个移民社区则尤其是这样。That is especially true where it happens within an immigrant community.

这是洪都拉斯回国移民接待中心日前宣布的。This is a Honduran immigrant reception center before returning Tuesday.