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您面临着合并、收购或资产剥离。You are confronted with a merger, acquisition, or divestiture.

最后还对层次分析法在资产剥离中的应用研究。Finally it made research that AHP applied in the course of divestiture.

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这章可以看出资产剥离在国内外的微小差别。We can found out the minute difference of divestiture from this chapter.

该报同时还列举了剥离游戏中的其他一些玩家。The Journal also pointed to other recent players in the divestiture game.

第四章做了一个上市公司资产剥离的市场绩效分析。Chapter 4 makes a positive study of divestiture performance of the listed-company.

总之,剥离的过程将是非常痛苦的,并会带来更多的冲击。In short, the divestiture process will be very painful, and will bring more shocks.

一群学生聚集在行政大楼前要求被剥夺的权利。A group of students gathered in front of the administration building to demand divestiture.

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做任何有关退休债务之取或舍之决定前,应认清该退休债务之性质和程度范围。Identify the nature and extent of pension liability prior to any acquisition or divestiture.

实现资金回笼,以横向并购为主,剥离非主营业务是现阶段并购的特色。The features are getting capital, horizontal M&A and divestiture of non-main business at this stage.

但是,目前我国学者关于资产剥离对企业业绩影响的研究还难有定论。There is no conclusion among academic community about the influence of divestiture on the company performance.

该单位领导们参与了最初的战略制定,即使他们仍在考虑,但还是同意了取缔该部门。Even the heads of the unit in question, who’d been among the original strategists, agreed with the divestiture.

叙述美国AT&T公司80年代的被迫解体,介绍它为谋求今后发展而于1995年所作的主动的体制改革。The negative divestiture about the AT&T in 80's is described, and its active system- reform in 1995 is introduced.

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这些包括罚款、强制性救济、补偿以及惩罚和非惩罚判令和权利剥夺。These include pecuniary penalties, injunctive relief, compensation, punitive and non-punitive orders and divestiture.

对于金融来说,有并购也有剥离——这是银行家们赖以生存的摇钱树。And when it comes to finance, there is acquisition and divestiture -- otherwise known as the feeding trough for bankers.

一种基于UNIX的微型计算机,AT&T生产,贝尔各运营公司在解体前广泛采用。A UNIX-based minicomputer, manufactured by AT&T and widely deployed by the Bell Operating Companies prior to divestiture.

巴斯夫正在取得进展的措施,苯乙烯业务重组,并在其价值链的另一苯乙烯剥离。BASF is progressing with steps to restructure its styrenics business and has made another divestiture in its styrene value chain.

这个过程也有助于公司在是否取缔不符合战略但财政创收的商业部门问题上,快速达成意见的统一。The process also helped TI gain consensus quickly on the divestiture of a financially successful business unit that didn’t fit the strategy.

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以贴现模型为基础,首先利用类比法等方法确定了资产剥离前后的不同折现率,然后分析了实质性资产剥离前后的净现金流量。Based on the discount model, this paper confirms different discount rates of before-and-after virtual divestiture through ways, such as analogy.

这篇论文选择了2003年中国上市公司98个样本公司,通过因子分析法分析了上市公司的资产剥离绩效。This paper selects 98 samples from 2003 in Chinese listed-company , and analyzes the divestiture performance of listed-company by factor analysis.

资产剥离是指企业将部分资产组合出售给第三方,并取得现金、准现金或其他收入的一种资产重组交易。Asset divestiture is a form of asset restructuring, in which enterprise sells some assets group to the third party and earns cash, quasi-cash or other revenues.