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瓶塞扑通一声地拔了出来。The cork came out plop.

有些令人失望地“扑通”的掉下去了。Others plop disappointingly.

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往垫子上一坐,就可以弹琴了。Plop down on a pillow and play!

对看没几秒心就扑通扑通的跳了。For a few seconds heart plop plop jumped.

咕咚一声,大石头掉进池里去了。Plop ! the big stone dropped into the pond.

沿路往前走有一个公园。如果你愿意可在那里歇歇脚。Down the road you'll see a park.Plop down there if you like.

我期待着把礼物扑通一声放到朱莉桌上时,她会喜笑颜开。I look forward to seeing Julie smile when I plop them on her desk.

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她爬起来,摇晃着向前走几步、一屁股跌倒在地上、又爬起来。She would pull herself up, wobble along a few steps and then plop down on her bottom.

有些天我简直像个蹒跚学步的小孩-无论在哪里,我都感到疲惫不堪,抱头痛苦。Some days I could literally “go toddler” — plop myself down wherever I am and cry my eyes out.

当然,你可不能只是简单的把孩子丢在电视机前直到片子结束。Of course, you should not simply plop your preschooler in front to the television for hours on end.

他的枪和头盔扑通掉到格蕾丝身边的泥地里,一阵可怕的尖叫声在空中穿越回响。His gun and helmet plop into the mud near Grace, and a terrifying shriek echoes across the landscape.

当她们发现我是法学院的学生时,就有好几个人一屁股坐在我的座位旁,希望我能够免费为她们提供法律上的建议。When they found out I was in law school, several would plop down in my booth in search of free legal advice.

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我还是要用到,来把它转换成格式化字符串。printf And then I'm gonna use the same printf line after that to actually plop it into this formatted string.

罗斌看见迪迪穿起漂亮的裙子步进泳池,然后扑通一声跳了下去,以为她做傻事。Mr Luo saw did i wear beautiful skirt step into the pool, jumped and then plop 1, thought she do silly things.

标枪射出了拖着红色尾巴的注射器,在钻入老虎的腿部肌肉时发出了沉闷的扑通声。There is a soft plop when the gun shoots a red-tailed syringe, which buries itself in the tiger's muscular thigh.

置身于阳光和沙滩中,面朝海滩,打开便携式计算机,然后阅读本专栏。For the sun and sand, scoop up your laptop, head to the beach, plop down near the water's edge, and read this column.

你把食品从口袋里拿进去,放在电视机前,这时你又在沃尔玛海岛广告上发觉了一个异样傻乎乎的笑脸,它为了做成大店想用这种办法来招徕客户。You take your food and plop in front of the television to find the same stupid smiley rolling down the isles of a Wal-mart ad, bringing customers shopping cheer as they peruse the super store.