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她企图推卸自己的责任。She managed to divest herself of responsibility.

他每天都暗中监视他那不忠的妻子。He could not divest himself of the suspicion that his wife was being unfaithful.

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他们又提到,强制AT&T公司出让资产不足以阻止这项交易对反竞争的严重破坏。Forcing AT&T to divest assets would not be enough to prevent "serious anti-competitive harms", it added.

然而,该公司却为萨默斯大开绿灯,因为撤资是他即将出任的白宫职位所要求的。An exception was made for Mr. Summers, however, because the White House job he was taking required him to divest.

但是英国娱乐业律师安比说,麦当娜用这笔费用换取自由合情合理。But U.K.-based entertainment lawyer Ambi Sitham said it made sense for Madonna to divest herself of her British property.

惠普拆分个人电脑业务的计划是该公司第二次打算剥离一项核心业务以跟上形势不断变化的高科技产业。The H-P plan also marks the second time the company has looked to divest a core business to keep up with the changing tech industry.

提供所需支援,协助房屋委员会把辖下零售及停车场设施分拆上市。Provide assistance as necessary to enable the Housing Authority to divest through public listing its retail and car-parking facilities.

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尸体残块塞满了风干箱,水沟边的乞丐和孩子们飞快的拨去他们昂贵的手势和衣物碎片。Body parts blocked the storm-drains, the beggars and children of the gutters quick to divest them of expensive jewellry and rich fabrics.

这一举动被看成是政府广大的限制国企和抑制快速增长的房价和地价计划的一部分。That action is now regarded as part of a broader government plan for SOEs to divest and thereby rein in fast-rising housing and land prices.

比如说,沃尔克法规****要求银行剥离它们的自营交易部门,在多德提交参院的法案里波澜不惊。The Volcker rule, which would require banks to divest their proprietary trading units, is still in the Dodd bill in the Senate, for example.

在经历了严重亏损,避免采取基于风险的报销模式之后,大型医院系统将取消聘用制医生。A major hospital system will divest itself from its employed doctors after losing too much money and avoiding the move into risk-based reimbursement.

此前口碑网曾属于中国雅虎,剥离后中国雅虎将持续在邮箱、资讯、搜索等方面提供服务。Word-of-mouth network had previously belonged to China Yahoo, Yahoo China to divest will continue in the mail, information, search services and so on.

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为给推广新药让路,很多制药公司会出让它们增长缓慢的产品。Many pharmaceutical companies will also divest their slower-growth products as they try to make room in their sales force channel for their innovator products.

去年,来自此类组织的压力已促使美国一些大学和投资基金从与苏丹有关的公司那里撤走了数十亿美元的投资。Over the past year, pressure from such groups has prompted some U.S. colleges and investment funds to divest billions of dollars from companies linked to Sudan.

在迪拜加快海外资产销售步伐以削减其债务负担之际,与政府有关联的迪拜各机构开始进行剥离亚洲资产的谈判。State-linked Dubai entities have entered talks to divest Asian assets as the emirate steps up the pace of its overseas asset sales to help ease its debt burden.

但是费兹曼在秘密逃亡瑞士的过程中,他不会脱离阿森纳,除非他不在有任何资本利益的税收义务。But Fiszman is in the process of decamping to Switzerland and it is thought he will not divest from Arsenal until he no longer has any capital gains tax liability.

此更新如下新西兰元退休金基金的公告本月初说它打算撤资由公司参与制作的集束弹药。This update follows the nz superannuation fund's announcement earlier this month that it intends to divest from companies involved in the production of cluster munitions.

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这种产生在中国或俄罗斯的暴虐的政府,可以剥夺整个社会的财富和个人权利的政府,在南亚地区从来没有存在过。The type of despotic governments that emerged in China or Russia, which were able to divest the whole society of property and personal rights, have never existed in South Asia.

2005年,中央政府命令官员退出他们自己监管的煤矿的股份,但是胡教授说,“许多官员仍然持股。”In 2005, the central government ordered officials to divest themselves of their holdings in mines that they supervised. But Professor Hu said, “Many officials still own shares.”

企业应该放弃这些资产中的一部分投入市场进行充分分配或销售,还是使其成为专属或非专属许可被利用?Should the enterprise divest itself of some of these assets by putting them on the market for full assignment or sale, or by making them available as either "exclusive" or non-exclusive licences?