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所有娱乐领域都日益粗俗化。Crudeness is on the rise in all fields of entertainment.

日常生活的艰苦条件使人的态度也粗鲁起来。The hard conditions of the daily life made for crudeness in manners.

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葡萄牙童话中有一种自然而然的生硬和粗造,这其实是最精华的。"There is a crudeness in Portuguese fairy tails, they are de best" – Paula Rego.

葡萄牙流行的建筑中也存在这种生硬感,我们在这个作品中就能看到。There is also crudeness in Portuguese popular architecture, reaffirmed by this work.

此酒将结婚白肉,特别是基础良好,菜,参赛作品包含粗鲁或海鲜。This wine will marry particularly well with dishes based on white meat, entries containing crudeness or seafood.

但是由于法条的简陋加之实践中存在的问题,该制度仍然是很不完善的,存在诸多不足之处,亟需改进。But as a result of law crudeness and problems in practice, there are still many shortcomings need to be improved urgently.

萨达姆一手造就的伊拉克政府解体了,但乳臭未干的临时政府根本无法维系他所建立的广义上的政治体制。The Iraqi state that Saddam had created was dismantled, but with such crudeness that the wider polity he had built also began to fall apart.

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过度的聚会和饮酒会降低生产力,滋生暴力以及性骚扰,最终会毁了员工的生理和心理健康。Excessive partying and drinking can undermine productivity, fuel crudeness and sexual harassment and destroy employee mental and physical health.

因此,布什政府的单边主义深深扎根于美国外交政策的某一方面,但其粗暴却是史无前例的。The Bush administration's unilateralism therefore has deep roots in one facet of American foreign policy, but its crudeness and violence are unprecedented.

而且细腻的文字、唯美的意境也难以掩盖结构上的粗疏、细节上的粗糙、内容上的虚伪和粗鄙。And delicate language, aesthetic artistic conception can hardly conceal its vulgarity in structure, roughness in details, hypocrisy and crudeness in contents.

但是由于法条的简陋加之实践中存在的问题,该制度仍然是很不完善的,存在诸多不足之处,亟需改进。The system is stricter than in the past . But as a result of law crudeness and problems in practice, there are still many shortcomings need to be improved urgently.

由于城市空间扩展过这,房地产业开发过快,在大量贪图租地建房暴利者投机心理的驱使下,新建住房质量规格过低,形成了民居建筑密集、低接、狭小、简陋的特征。Likewise, the quality slides due to the estate industries pursuit of high profit and their greedy expansion for construction. Residential buildings feature in dwarf density, and crudeness.

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本文通过对不处理胶辊某些特性的测试,分析了表面粗糙度、表面静摩擦因数、模拟握持力等与纺纱性能及成纱质量的关系。Having tested the some performance of non-treatment top roller, the authors analyses the relations among surface crudeness , surface static friction factor, simulating nipping distance, ect.