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什么是黄体期?What is the luteal phase?

是为了提高你的黄体功能。Is to increase your luteal function.

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也可能会出现黄体期不足。A luteal phase defect may also occur.

并设空白对照D组不予任何黄体支持。And control group D with no luteal support.

这些症状只发生在黄体期。Symptoms should occur in the luteal phase only.

如何确定黄体期的长短?How do I determine the length of my luteal phase?

黄体期的长度决定了月经周期内排卵的时间。I was not there ovulation ah, luteal or inadequate?

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采用胰酶消化法建立了大鼠黄体细胞体外分离方法。A separation method of rat luteal cells was established.

大小黄体细胞在细胞型态上有明显的区别。Large and small luteal cells could be distinguished from cell morphology.

术后月经类型无改变,对黄体功能无明显影响。No change after menstrual type of luteal function had no significant impact.

细胞凋亡是一种生理性死亡,已广为认定其参与了黄体退化之过程。Apoptosis, a form of physiological death, is involved in the luteal regression.

然而,念珠菌感染倾向于发生在月经周期的黄体期。However, candidiasis tended to occur in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

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一个关键的特征是这些生理状况可能也会在黄体期外出现。A key feature is that these conditions may also be present outside of the luteal phase.

结论黄体期手术有利于激素依赖型乳腺癌患者预后。Operation in luteal phase benefits to breast cancer patients who were positive for ER or PR.

黄体期的长度决定了月经周期内排卵的时间。The length of the luteal phase determines the time of ovulation within your menstrual cycle.

人们对黄体细胞的来源、组成、形态及大小持有不同的观点。The origination, component, morphology and size of luteal cells are controversial up to now.

虽然经前综合症与黄体期相关,但性激素测量水平在正常水平之内。While PMS is linked to the luteal phase, measurements of sex hormone levels are within normal levels.

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以免疫细胞染色法对初代培养细胞进行分析发现,LRH-1同时存在大小两种黄体细胞的细胞核中。Our immunostaining data showed that LRH-1 were present in the nucleus of large and small luteal cells.

通过BBT的图像可以了解排卵的信息和黄体期的长短。The BBT chart is used to acquire information regarding ovulation and the duration of the luteal phase.

唯一能精确测定黄体期长度的方法就是通过特定的荷尔蒙验血。The only way to determine the exact length of your luteal phase is through hormone-specific blood tests.