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我们去看早场电影吧。Let's go to see matinee movies.

我要两张今天日场的票。Not unless you want the matinee.

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我要两张今天日场的票。I want two tickets for today's matinee.

我们去看日场电影省几块钱吧。Let's go to a matinee and save a few bucks.

事实上,我对日场并不感兴趣。In fact I am not interested in matinee show.

没有,除非你要日场。Not unless you want the matinee . ! important.

今天日场的票全售完了。We have nothing at all left for today's matinee.

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我们去看早场的电影省几块钱吧。Let's go to see matinee movies and save a few bucks.

有可能买到今天日场的票子吗?Be there any chance of get ticket for today's matinee?

那么,给我两张星期三日场的包厢票。Then, give me two box seats for the Wednesday matinee.

我们去看日场还是夜场?Are we going to the matinee or the evening performance?

是的,先生,我们每星期三和星期六都有一场日场。Yes, sir. We have a matinee every Wednesday and Saturday.

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有可能买到今天日场的票子吗?Is there any chance of getting tickets for today's matinee?

我还有可能买到明天日场的票吗?Do I have any chance of getting tickets for tomorrow' s matinee?

我们晚上演出的票已经售完,但是日场演出还没有。We are sold out for the evening performance, but there is a matinee.

此优惠只适用于日场及夜场之正价戏票。This offer is applicable to the regular price of matinee and night shows.

我不清楚你是否知道这些,不过罗伯特。古利特确实很受女性的喜爱。I don't know if you remember that at all, but Robert Goulet was quite the matinee idol.

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你同样带孩子去参加邻城高中演出、音乐会等日剧活动。You can also take kids to neighboring town's high school plays and musicals for a fun matinee.

隔了不久,赫斯渥太太提出了一个类似的要求,不过这次是看下午场的戏。Not long after this Mrs. Hurstwood came with a similar proposition, only it was to a matinee this time.

在莱斯特广场的任意一家咖啡店,点一杯咖啡,与朋友聊聊天,感觉好极了。Leicester Square is still the perfect place to catch an afternoon matinee followed by a cappucino and gossip in one of the many pavement cafes.